Din's Curse v1.005 Beta Patch Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1269
'¢ localized Legendary, Dagger, Close, Accept, Bestiary, Inventory, Minimap, Money, Cancel, TeleportToGate, Manastone, Healthstone, Size, Health, Damage, DPS, damage, Entering, and lvl (DetlevH)
'¢ fixed Solve localization (DetlevH)
'¢ fixed armor & Durability localization (DetlevH)
'¢ fixed Windows patch installer to be smarter about picking directory to install to
'¢ fixed some stalker/kodiak animation issues when holding a bow
'¢ made Taris slightly easier (m0stly_harmless)
'¢ now print info to screen & console after taking screenshot
'¢ moved key location on mac where non-admins could write to
'¢ added a don't color code equipment option
'¢ fixed too many fire/poison explosions at once being too loud (Saxman_72)
'¢ now destroying a chest has a chance to break an item it contains
'¢ made stairs click collision much smaller
'¢ made fire/poison a little quieter (Saxman_72)
'¢ added dangerous monsters world creation option (Backwood)
'¢ added clumsy character advanced option (DeathKnight1728)
'¢ no longer automatically solve all quests in won town (Roswitha)
'¢ position in list ui (like getting quests) now behaves better when an item is removed
'¢ inanimate objects no longer considered sentient
'¢ auras from things like totems no longer effect inanimate objects (Archon)
'¢ fixed a Failed Quest Slot Empty Quest problem (Archon)
'¢ now use English as a backup if missing any translations, makes new stuff work better (DetlevH)
'¢ now turn towards what you are attacking more when moving
'¢ there is now a way to turn off the xp abandon penalty in database for non-hardcore characters (Jorlen)
'¢ added a very fast pace world option
'¢ more UI tweaks
'¢ lots of effects improvements
'¢ some ground and environment texture improvements