Three Concerns About Dragon Age II
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1920
3) How will a magic-using Hawke work?
This is something I'm sure they'll pull off splendidly, but it is also the question nagging me the most. Something about the title "Champion of Kirkwall" suggests that Hawke is a warrior -- possibly a rogue -- and certainly not a mage.
Coverage of the Gamescom build hasn't allayed my worries. Most of it emphasizes Hawke as a warrior. Check out this write up by IGN:
"I sliced through Darkspawn effortlessly, my blade sliding through the ugly creatures as if they were made of butter. Meanwhile, my mage partner eloquently set the remaining foes aflame. After obliterating enemies with such ease, I realized that this was a much different Dragon Age than I was used to, but it was exactly what I was hoping for."
Plus, look at it in terms of the fiction. Hawke starts out in Lothering, but if he's a mage, wouldn't he have to be an apostate? But, if he's an apostate, why would the narrators (according to IGN) talk about Hawke rebuilding the Chantry -- apparently on organization that is now in ruins.