Name: Rasaad yn Bashir
Race: Human (M)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Class: Monk (Sun Soul)
• STR 16
• DEX 16
• CON 14
• INT 11
• WIS 14
• CHA 14
A worshipper of the moon goddess Sel�ne, the taciturn monk Rasaad's life in service to the Sun Soul order ended in tragedy. He speaks of his brother, Gamaz, in reverent tones, even though Gamaz betrayed the Sun Soul by joining the Dark Moon sect, where he learned to worship Shar at the feet of a man named Alorgoth. Though it was his own hand that slew Gamaz, Rasaad holds Alorgoth responsible for his brother's death. He has committed himself to avenging Gamaz, and it's obvious there is little he won't sacrifice to achieve that goal.
Skills (Level 13):
• Find Traps 35
• Move Silently 55
• Hide in Shadows 50
Special Abilities:
• Flaming Fists
• Greater Sun
• Lay on Hands
• Sun Sunbeam
• Sun Soulray
Proficiencies (Level 13):
• Dagger +
• Dart +
• Katana +
• Scimitar / Wakizashi / Ninjato +
• Sling +
Starting Equipment:
Glimmering Bands
Moonlight Walkers
Starting Location:
How to Acquire:
You'll initially witness Rasaad knocking down a pair of Sun Soul monks. After the encounter, he'll approach you, and you'll be able to invite him into your party.
Ending Storyline (Sun Soul):
Though Alorgoth was not seen again for many years after the events in the Deepstone mines, the Bringer of Doom was not killed there. By the time Alorgoth resurfaced, Rasaad had already been dead for some time. After the events of the Bhaalspawn saga, Rasaad was no longer satisfied to live as a fugitive. He returned to Calimshan, determined to prove his loyalty to the Sun Soul order. Unable to convince the Sun Soul's hierarchy he had truly not parted with their teachings, he was cast out. Denouncing the judgment, proclaiming his innocence, and refusing to leave, the stories say he fought off more than a hundred Sun Soul monks before succumbing to their superior numbers. Haraan Sixscar herself struck the final blow. In the aftermath of Rasaad's death, those present were shocked to realize that not one of those he fought that day had been killed. Later, the monk Gahan, one of those who decided Rasaad's guilt, was revealed to be an agent of the Dark Moon order.
Ending Storyline (Twofold Trust):
Though Alorgoth was not seen again for many years after the events in the Deepstone mines, the Bringer of Doom was not killed there. But by the time Alorgoth resurfaced, Rasaad's interest in avenging his brother had waned. He finally found the peace he sought as a devotee of the Trust. Offering a more tolerant, less dogma-laden path to those worshippers who had grown disenchanted with Shar or Selune -- or at least the clergy that represented them -- he ultimately renounced violence. He and his followers retreated to a remote monastery in the Cloud Peak mountains. There, Rasaad lived the rest of his life in quiet contemplation.
Ending Storyline (Romanced):
Though Alorgoth was not seen for many years after the events in the Deepstone mines, the Bringer of Doom was not killed there. But by the time Alorgoth resurfaced, Rasaad's focus had moved from avenging his dead family members to caring for his new ones. Unable to convince the Sun Soul order of his dedication to them, he and Charname went and made a home together in the Cloud Peak mountains. Their seven children enjoyed an idyllic childhood, brought up according to the tenets of the Sun Soul philosophy. But the children were of the Bashir bloodline, and it was only a matter of time before the darkness that plagued their father found them as well. One pleasant spring evening, Rasaad and Charname were set upon and killed by Sharran assassins. Another victory for Alorgoth, but it was one that cost the Dark Moon dearly. Trained by their father, the Seven embarked on a bloody path of vengeance from which the Dark Moon sect would never fully recover.