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You'll receive this quest from Mary in
North Parish.
Mary (#1) will tell you that she was traveling with her husband Bradon when their wagon broke down, and that Bradon went on ahead to Bordertown for parts, but is now well past due. Mary will then ask you to look for Bradon, and she'll tell you that you should be able to recognize him by the wedding band he's wearing.
You'll find Bradon dead in a camp in
Northeast Thaermore (#2). He'll have an
Inscribed Gold Wedding Ring on his corpse, and you'll also find two chests (one with 80 gp) nearby. When you deliver the ring to Mary, you'll earn 300 xp, but Mary won't have a reward for you. Instead, she'll tell you about a weapon locked up in her father's house in the
Central Tangletree Forest, and that the combination for the lock is 167. The game will note this combination for you in your quest journal, so there isn't any need to write it down. When you eventually reach the house, you'll discover that the weapon is a
Mithril Long Sword.
1 - Mary
2 - Bradon's Camp