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You'll receive this quest from Erik at Bordertown Arms in the
Barrier Range Region.
Erik (#1) will tell you that he needs somebody to deliver a
Ceramic Crucible to the blacksmith Gunther in Blackwater (#2). The only problem is that the crucible weighs 70 pounds! If you agree to take the quest, then you'll have to walk the crucible all the way to Blackwater (you won't be allowed to quick travel), and so we'd recommend that you wait until 1) you can carry 70 extra pounds, and 2) you've cleared the path from Bordertown to Blackwater.
When you eventually accept the quest, Erik won't hand you the crucible. You'll need to loot it from the chest in his shop. Then when you deliver the crucible to Gunther, you'll receive 600 gp and 1000 xp.
1 - Erik
2 - Gunther