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by zamiel
Tue Oct 30, 2007 6:24 am
Forum: Neverwinter Nights 2
Topic: Cleric > Wizard/Sorc in NWN2?
Replies: 6
Views: 8542

There are some very nice spells, which clerics more or less lack (less in the meaning they can't have it all, only some of them if they choose the according domains).

DR - they lack completely the nice DR giving spells.
Spell immunity/absorb - against those disabling/instant killing spells.
Imp ...
by zamiel
Wed Oct 24, 2007 8:02 am
Forum: Neverwinter Nights 2
Topic: NWN2 Solo
Replies: 5
Views: 4654

Depends on your playstyle.

If you take companions only when truly needed (until Neverwinter, their special quests, special areas and so forth), and you do not level them up AT ALL (you can have Quara of Elanee to enchant you stuff and level them up, since you can finish their quests in Act I, but ...
by zamiel
Sat Oct 06, 2007 4:59 am
Forum: Neverwinter Nights 2
Topic: Finished mask of the betrayer and need some help (spoiler)
Replies: 3
Views: 2207

Well, there are four endings at least. Also, which two fragments did you find?
And put on a spoiler tag :)
by zamiel
Thu Oct 04, 2007 2:33 am
Forum: Neverwinter Nights 2
Topic: Universal Sword when dual wielding weapons
Replies: 7
Views: 974

Actually it is rather easy to check a weapon. Empty both your hands, put the weapon in your main hand. If you see "weapon equipped as a one-handed weapon", then it is a small weapon, if you equip it as two-handed, its medium.
by zamiel
Wed Oct 03, 2007 6:49 am
Forum: Neverwinter Nights 2
Topic: Universal Sword when dual wielding weapons
Replies: 7
Views: 974

It can't be big. Elseway a small char could not use it so it's probably medium or even small...
by zamiel
Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:02 am
Forum: Neverwinter Nights 2
Topic: Touch effect and Finesse
Replies: 5
Views: 654

You can also get Improved (and as far as I can remember Power as well) Critical both in melee and ranged touch attack. The main difference is, that you can score crit touch attack on anything - even on those, who are immune to crit hits.
But of course you cannot have weapon spec in touch attack (it ...
by zamiel
Wed Oct 03, 2007 12:59 am
Forum: Neverwinter Nights 2
Topic: Who has Mask of the Betrayer?
Replies: 33
Views: 3429

Got it on Friday I think, luckily I did not have any problems with installing or playing it. So I played it through the weekend, but I have to play through it several times again, just to make sure I did not leave anything out.
by zamiel
Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:17 am
Forum: Neverwinter Nights 2
Topic: Devastating Assassin, feedback
Replies: 6
Views: 1372

Also, the main thing I cannot understand is WHY you want to dual-wield large weapons AND sneak attack. Say, the difference between the average damage between a dagger for example and a falchion is significant, 100% to be exact. If you have str 24, the difference is only 9.5 versus 11, which is 16 ...
by zamiel
Mon Oct 01, 2007 2:46 am
Forum: Neverwinter Nights 2
Topic: Devastating Assassin, feedback
Replies: 6
Views: 1372

Ok, my oppinions:

ONE, I think the really bad side of monkey grip is the secondary side. I mean you have to take it as a feat, and then two other two-weapon fighting feats. And to make it worse: you have to have high strength to compensate the -6 malus, and high dex, to be able to pick 2weapon ...
by zamiel
Mon Sep 17, 2007 5:08 am
Forum: Neverwinter Nights 2
Topic: can helmets be enchanted? - possible spoilers
Replies: 2
Views: 616

I was wondering if it is possible to enchant a helmet with 30/- elemental resist like a torso armor. Since the recipe only states that any armor, and helmet is an armor (main type armor, sub type helmet). Since clothing can be enchanted just the same as a full plate I am curious to know wether ...
by zamiel
Mon Sep 17, 2007 3:52 am
Forum: Neverwinter Nights 2
Topic: can helmets be enchanted? - possible spoilers
Replies: 2
Views: 616

can helmets be enchanted? - possible spoilers

Like title. If the answer is yes, then what enchantments work on them? Do they give deflection ac?
by zamiel
Mon Sep 10, 2007 4:53 am
Forum: Neverwinter Nights 2
Topic: Rogue/Barbarian/Divine Champ Ideas.
Replies: 7
Views: 718

thank you for the responses so far. Well, after seeing what weapon finesse does, i don't like it much. 2 big swords are for me, not small weapons. And maybe not Divine champ, but either 1 level of bard and 10 of RDD, or 10 of Frenzied berserker as i'm trying to make a conan type character. And if ...
by zamiel
Wed Sep 05, 2007 2:23 am
Forum: Neverwinter Nights 2
Topic: Rogue/Barbarian/Divine Champ Ideas.
Replies: 7
Views: 718

With halfling he could only dual-wield tiny weapons with -2/-2 penalty. Small weapons are considered medium to halflings for dual wielding and stuff. The damage output will be horrible.
Also, it worths mentioning that power attack only gives damage bonus to medium/large weapons, so no dual-wielding ...
by zamiel
Tue Sep 04, 2007 5:01 am
Forum: Neverwinter Nights 2
Topic: SIlver Sword
Replies: 4
Views: 735

It means that every character can use it, no matter of class or race, and thus noone can have weapon focus/specialization for it.
by zamiel
Tue Sep 04, 2007 4:29 am
Forum: Neverwinter Nights 2
Topic: mad gnome
Replies: 3
Views: 573

Thanks for the imput. Made some corrections, I checked yesterday ingame, that if I take fighter as 1st lvl, charisma is not an issue, it affects only the spellcasting abilites, so you can change to bard class with cha 4. This means more other stats.
Warhammer is a solid choice, I only chose katana ...
by zamiel
Mon Sep 03, 2007 5:21 am
Forum: Neverwinter Nights 2
Topic: mad gnome
Replies: 3
Views: 573

mad gnome

Ok, I was fooling around today at work, and came up with this build:

Deep gnome
Starting stats: STR 16, DEX 12, CON 14, WIS 10, INT 14, CHA 4

Classes will be (Bard/Fighter/RDD/Frenzied berserker)
Levels up as:
1 Fighter: power attack, weapon prof exotic
2 Bard: -
3 Fighter: Cleave, WF(Katana)
4 ...
by zamiel
Thu Jan 11, 2007 3:09 am
Forum: Neverwinter Nights 2
Topic: Immunity: Mind Affecting Spells
Replies: 17
Views: 2276

In case of a pig it is a bug. In case of bugs it is working as intended. Vermins have a natural immune to mind affecting spells trait and as per the pen and paper rule a wizard/sorc should get the immunity/resistance of her familiar.
And familiars can be charmed...
by zamiel
Thu Jan 04, 2007 6:34 am
Forum: Neverwinter Nights 2
Topic: Khelgar (SPOILER)
Replies: 15
Views: 5496

Yes, why not? When I finished the game I had around 1,5-2 millions and I did not even sell anything in chapter 3. There are a lot of money in the game, and hell, what else do you want to do with it?
Monks are more powerful than fighters. Period. The only thing they miss is hp (they have 40 hps less ...
by zamiel
Fri Dec 29, 2006 3:39 am
Forum: Neverwinter Nights 2
Topic: Khelgar (SPOILER)
Replies: 15
Views: 5496

De_Priester wrote:So what kind of gear should I keep for him?
Amulet of natural armour, gauntlet of Ironfist, and things like these. And do not forget to invite the monk in your castle, not the priest. They have the best gear for monks.
by zamiel
Thu Dec 28, 2006 11:34 am
Forum: Neverwinter Nights 2
Topic: crafting +weapons q. (posible spoiler)
Replies: 13
Views: 2883

2. You may have to have some conversation with him before. I do not remember exactly, but it is about you, and your birthplace, and another fellow. After this he says you can be trusted, so he will show you his special wares.
4. Yeah, that was one of my favourite places in bg2. Since I soloed most ...