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by Romans1133
Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:08 am
Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Topic: What Don't You Want in KotOR III?
Replies: 122
Views: 15479

Well, as much fun as it was to have visa and the handmaniden, it would be nice to have some new people in Kotor3, just as long as they are not as lame as they had been in Kotor 1.

What I mean is this: The HandMaiden and visa and atton had been a pretty funny trio. Beo-dur had been nice too, but I ...
by Romans1133
Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:42 am
Forum: Star Wars: KotOR II
Topic: Some loose ends in Kotor IIPcVersion.
Replies: 0
Views: 617

Some loose ends in Kotor IIPcVersion.

On the savage jungle planet that you get shot down on,( I forgot it's name)
Mira, if she is with you and in your party, will mention how you could use the skins from the wildThings you kill for some extra credits.:mischief:
And on Telos orbitalSation, there is this slave trader within the catina.
I ...
by Romans1133
Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:23 am
Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Topic: What Do You Want in KotOR III?
Replies: 1541
Views: 160159

Possibly story link from Kotor2

If the Exile was involved at all in Kotor3, then perhaps there would be some sort of memory transfer from your Kotor2 Files to Kotor3, so that in the exile sequences he/she would look just like the face you used for the Kotor2 game.
Maybe, even right down to the ...
by Romans1133
Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:08 pm
Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Topic: What Do You Want in KotOR III?
Replies: 1541
Views: 160159

Why should I have to team up with Revan or the exile.
I want to overthrow one or both of them.

Imagine this: I am my own guy from Kotor II, some how from my saved files, it goes on into Kotor III so I get to actually move on with the story. Yes.
I was a Dark Lord of the Sith, and the others had ...
by Romans1133
Tue Jan 30, 2007 9:21 pm
Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Topic: What Do You Want in KotOR III?
Replies: 1541
Views: 160159

Yes, I think that the ability to make my own hilt at the begining and choose who will be in my party, would be a splendid idea. Also, I would like to see the ability to make my own robe and cloak and have the hood up or down as well.

There is this also, in Kotor2, while at the palace battle, I had ...