After making another mage for the umpteenth time, ive decided to once again try to get every single mage spell in my book, however, ive had a lot of...
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there are two good stores for scrolls in the prominade, one in the back of the adventure mart, and one above the temple of illmather...
I have equiped Aerie with a girdle of fortitude which is supposed to raise her constitution to 18 once a day.
How do I switch it on? She`s wearing it...
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In ToB she is able to cast 9th level spells (especially if you have small party).
Is there a certain way to get out of Irenicus' donjon? I took the eastern route but i encountered kobolds, mummies, various mostly undead. Also, how...
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Thanks a whole bunch. I looked at the guide online here and figured it out but i didnt know about the Bodhi thing. I appreciate your concern and...
I`m on chapter 3 and I fancied my chances against the demilich. My kensai is level 11 and I have Kendorm with me.
At first I was getting slaughtered...
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Originally posted by Galmar
just clua in the illithium, its not like the subquest gives any substantial rewards, wasnt there a quest removed...
Seen a few posts about this without answer, or with out-of-date links... I know about the bag of holding glitch that limits its slots to some small,...
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Bags of holding arent bottomless, and on rare occasions stuff will go missing, in general though just never ever put ammunitions into the Bag of...
What a character! He`s only been in my party for five minutes and he`s threatened to take Aerie over his knee and give her a good `lathering` and he...
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gotta try the boots of jankind...and the crossbow he makes for valygar...ouch!!!
the swarmer bruiser mates are great, actually highly useful and...
Ok, since we are talking about charcoal, which kind is good for cooking sundried olive tuna cassorole? does anyone know a good beef wellington on a...
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Stilgar is, as usual, correct. The place for spam, wonderful spam, is down in SYM--the Speak Your Mind forum. Hope you enjoy your stay, there, among...
I found a secret room in the Sea Bounty. There were some pirates and a wizard and they all attacked me. I killed them all and got about 35000 xp.
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the one with the pool of water at the very back with some treasure in?
I dunno, for some reason the last time i played i went there in chap 2/3...
i will install tatics mod,and i want to know what is the best char/party to play....i thinked in a fighter/mage or kensai/mge what should be better?...
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If you don't have Throne of Bhaal, Fighter/Mage multi is much less powerful than a dual. You get no kit, you get less hit points, you get less mage...
I can hear the angry mutterings allready. I`m going to have a go with Kensai/Mage this time.
I wanted to get to level 13 before dualing but this guy...
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`Originally posted by davfra
I can hear the angry mutterings...
hey guys i think i will do a journal like elmonster journal i want to know if some1 that already did one could give me some advice and what u think...
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That's a great idea. I've been doing some wrotes in my journal but I haven't got much exprience about this - your journal is your *private* thing and...
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