...and that's all I had, was the one. It has happened that I've sold a kataal (or was is a spell? I think a kataal--and it was to Aleister..) to a vendor and it wasn't there for sale when I tried to buy more.
Yes, for some reason it doesn't always work, I think it has to do with the type of vendor and the type of items he/she normally has to offer. For example, Orlan Drey doesn't seem to stock arcane spells if I sell them to him while Aleister won't sell me any crystals I try to sell to him.
That said, I now think your prejudice against the bargaining skill is misplaced. I can purchase the kataals to make spells and sell the spells to the shopkeeper for a profit infinite times.
Well, of course I wouldn't ever do something that lame either. Maybe I should have said that this mod is supposed to be played without any kind of infinite-money exploits! Of course now the game will be incredibly easy for you because you have infinite money once again. All challenge will be gone now. That's very unfortunate.
IMO, encouraging people to use their melee attacks by pointing out that the more you USE your weapons, the less it costs to advance your skill. I haven't noticed that with magic. (It may work that way with magic too, but I haven't noticed that it happens like that.)
It's not particularly useful for weapons, either. Going from skill level 9 to level 10 takes how many million ADV points? And you get something between one and four points for each successful swing? It would take eons to reach the next skill level by just using the weapon.
We all have different view on exploiting game mechanics, but using the bargaining skill definitely isn't cheating.
Yeah right. Taking away all the challenge of the game isn't cheating, suuuuuuuure. I bet it wasn't intended for the game to work like that, the developers just left a big fat loophole and either didn't ever realize it's there, or they are just too lazy to fix it. Would it be so hard to just increase the amount of $ one has to spend for buying stuff by a factor 10 (and of course not increase the amount one gets for selling stuff). It would fix the endlessly overused bargain exploit instantly.
We pay for the game, we can play it how we like.
Of course that's true, but as a person who has a conscience and uses it, I always feel guilty when exploiting a game like that. There's much more fun to be had without such cheats, that's for sure, because I have tried out both and every time I used bargain I got bored to tears within one hour of playing, sometimes even earlier. I swear I will never ever use this exploit again in my life! You couldn't even PAY me enough to make me do so!
Thanks for the tips FRED, so far I've got the hang of changing drops now, good fun. I always do hack a game to pieces once I've played it to death, just top see how it's done, and what I've missed, adds a few more hours of enjoyment to the game for me.
Maybe you would also be interested in changing monster spawns? What about Gazers, Cacodemons and similar "rare" enemies spawning in the wilderness, would that be interesting to you?