Final update on the Fighter/Rogue/Marauder/Budoka/Shadow Lord.
Rogue still isn't worth it, bashing chests is still a lot easier and the "thief skills" learning bonus does NOT apply to Sneak or Backstab. IMO there are only 2 reasons to go with ANY rogue class progression - for roleplaying fun or just to try something different.
Budoka isn't worth it (beyond the eastern house heraldry "The Master"). Like the Rogue, no learning bonuses to Sneak or Backstab. With respect to Backstab:
After extensive testing (with a very difficult to achieve level 10), the skill Backstab is not useful. Not only is it difficult to "set-up" for a backstab, but many opponents seem immune to it. Nor is the TOTAL damage significantly better at even higher levels when you do manage to pull it off (..i.e. practically speaking - it doesn't help you kill your opponent that much faster).
Marauder is only potentially worthwhile - it does have dual-weapons, AND *access* to Heavy Armor and Heavy Weapons. Unfortunately it doesn't have a learning bonus in either - which means that a character progression (such as this one) without any learning bonus will have a hard time using higher level heavy armor and weapons without penalty. Its virtually impossible to use something like the golden plate (or worse) death lord armor - with respect to leggings, plate, and pauldrons (..without penalty). ( 8 skill level will allow you to wear death lord belts, boots, and belt though - without penalty.) It also has access to Sneak (which I'll go into further detail in a moment), but again - no learning bonus. The best thing the Marauder has going for it (besides the light dual-weapons), is that it offers class progression to Death Lord.
Now the Shadow Lord *IS* worthwhile - and its a class I'd recommend even though it has no Heraldry bonus. The shadow lord invokable skill/mode significantly increases stealth - to the point where you are more difficult to hit (especially with a high stealth skill level). Of course this invokable skill also allows you to be virtually immune to all magic and elemental attacks (i.e. ONLY physical attacks and the occasional pushback effect or "splash" damage will effect your character while its in this "mode"). The down-side is that it doesn't last all that long at even high levels.. AND it takes quite a while to recharge (usually a couple hours game-time). ( you have to be really careful about using it at the right time.) To get you that greater amount of "mode" time though, (while you do not have a learning bonus in the skill), the skill's progression compensates - almost as if you have one learning bonus in the skill, so its fairly easy to get the skill level up to 9 (and still "doable" to level 12).
The Shadow Lord also has a few learning bonuses - most notably Sneak (..though Magic Weapon and Nether Magic are also nice). Its interesting to note that it appears that NO other class has a learning bonus in Sneak. So whats so great about it? At low levels - nothing. At high levels above 10, well thats a different matter. Once you start getting that skill up you can often summon some creatures and then move relatively far from your opponent(s). If you want to stay at a distance and lob spells at your opponent - proceed with impunity, they will likely be concerned with just your summons (PROVIDED YOU STAY A FAIR DISTANCE AWAY and your summons continue to survive). This feature alone fits *very* well with this thread (though its more of a tactical spell caster or ranged weapon user rather than fighter). Even for melee - IF you circle around your opponent to where they can't see you then at least you'll have one hit for "free". The critical element with either is distance - you need to stay a reasonable distance away so that you don't catch the attention of an opponent until absolutely necessary.
Well - thats about it. I think that Shaman's build is more practical.. but even with Sneak it isn't really a tactical fighter in the melee sense. Its still very much a wade-in and destroy everything with glee character.:mischief: If you want a more tactical melee fighter then go back to my original suggestion.
One last parting suggestion.
Ranged weapon attacks and particularly ARCHERY are not well represented in the game through a class progression. The Ranger Lord *seems* to be "it". The class progression up to and including the Ranger Lord give several learning bonuses to Archery.. but is it really necessary? I've found that 1 Learning bonus seems to be enough for ANY weapon or armor, and additional point expenditures don't seem to pay-off to any great extent. Also the one "killer app" skill, Hawkeye (basically critical strike), is rather is weak and difficult to accumulate points in.
Let me suggest a better alternative though:
1. you only "need" 1 learning bonus in Archery (..and really, thats only if you import the best bow in the game - which I would recommend as its otherwise unavailable).
2. you should select an eastern class (for "The Master").
1 & 2 suggest either the Monk or the Samurai. The Samurai adds Inflict Wounds, while the Monk provides considerable magical learning bonuses. Either class would be excellent.
Choose the 3rd tier class Shadow Lord and get Stealth up to 16-17.
Fill-in with any other 1st and 2nd tier you want thats available.
Summon your minions, pull back from the fight - and fire away without significant fear of reprisal.
![Cool :cool:](./images/smilies/)