In the third and final installment of his video interview, Matt Barton chats with Gas Powered Games' Chris Taylor on the rece...
Matt Barton released the second installment of his video interview with Gas Powered Games' Chris Taylor, in which Chris goes ...
Gas Powered Games' Chris Taylor discusses his acre-and-a-half farm, the company's founding principles, the development of Dun...
Our Dungeon Siege giveaway has officially concluded and emails have went out to the nine lucky winners! If you're among them...
Having arrived at the third and final day of our Dungeon Siege giveaway, this news entry marks your last chance at scoring a ...
The second day of our Dungeon Siege giveaway is here, and once again we have a digital copy of Dungeon Siege, Dungeon Siege I...
We're pleased to announce that we've teamed up with Square Enix to give away three Steam copies of Dungeon Siege, Dungeon Sie...
To expand upon today's earlier press release out of Europe, we now have a second press release issued by Square Enix that she...
Gas Powered Games' Chris Taylor takes on the PC gaming naysayers in a new three-minute interview on G4, though he unfortunate...
If you gave up two hours of your life to watch In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale, then this news is probably goin...
In a quick interview with Eurogamer, Dungeon Siege creator Chris Taylor points out the growing success of the PC platform (pa...
A short interview with Gas Powered Games' Chris Taylor is up at, and while there isn't any discussion about the Dunge...
IndustryGamers continues to roll out additional "playing favorites" features, with the latest one profiling Chris Taylor's fa...
Introduction In Dungeon Siege II (released in August of 2005), you led a group of adventurers on a quest to stop the evil pri...
After taking a year off from E3 for the birth of my son, I was back on the show floor fighting my way through an army of fell...