Dungeon Siege II: Azunite Prophecies, Part Three
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Dungeon Siege II: The Azunite Prophecies
As we continue to move closer to the arrival of Dungeon Siege II in Spring 2005, we are sending along the third of the Azunite Prophecies, a series of prophecies recently discovered in the world of Aranna.
These will provide you the first insights into the mysteries present in the world of Aranna.
Historical note: The following fragment from the Scrolls of the Agallan Foothills is remarkable in that it seems to predict the rise of Azunai the Defender himself. While it is possible that the character he describes could be another historical figure or even a purely mythic creation, the resemblance to later events from the actual life of Azunai is uncanny, and the reference to Zaramoth as 'the Unmaker" is unmistakable.
-- Bidelia of Aman'lu
Dispersion of power, dispersion of souls; the victory of the shield shall manifest in its shattering.
The Defender is a child, playing in solitude by the sparkling secret spring of mana. And the child shall grow to become a chieftain.
The subterranean spring is shadowed by towering peaks. The chieftain shall travel to the mountain artisans, who pour their pain into one work of delayed defiance.
As the Unmaker's shadow covers the land, a flicker of resistance shall defy the darkness. The shell of power shall grow thinnest at the fringes of an empire, where the tides shift their tribute from the central cistern of control, and swell the wave behind the shield.
And the giant's gambit shall cover the Defender, and be the unmaking of the Unmaker.
Power will be dispersed.
Dungeon Siege II, the sequel to the best-selling action-RPG from Gas Powered Games, returns players to the dark fantasy land of Aranna, a land scarred by civil war where the lines between good and evil are blurred. Dungeon Siege II promises to set a new standard for role-playing games by combining an intriguing story-line with intense real-time party combat and cutting edge 3D graphics. For more information about Dungeon Siege II, visit http://www.dungeonsiege.com/.
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