Dungeon Siege II: Azunite Prophecies, Part Seven
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As we continue to move closer to the arrival of Dungeon Siege II, we are sending along the seventh of the Azunite Prophecies, a series of prophecies recently discovered in the world of Aranna.
These will provide you the first insights into the mysteries present in the world of Aranna.
Historical note: The following document is the final fragment of the prophetic scrolls recently discovered in the Agallan foothills. It is also the most cryptic. Whereas other prophecies have contained strikingly accurate predictions from current and recent times, the rising champion to which this prophecy refers has no clear parallel in recorded history. The only possible parallel is from an earlier obscure set of references in the second of these fragments, to "upstart seedlings" and a mysterious "Other." This final prophecy, however, seems to focus on one figure, though the reference to a band of "fivefold warriors" seems to indicate that the figure is not entirely solitary. As a whole, these prophecies continue to be remarkable, both for their clairvoyant clarity and their maddening enigma.
-- Bidelia of Aman'lu
And in this beginning shall be an end.
The upstart seedlings shall sprout together, and one shall spill his blood for the Other.
Heart fractured, vengeance fueled.
The Other shall gather the fivefold warriors, and shield them with a great soul.
That soul shall forge the fragments.
Waves of force, waifs of fortune.
The Other shall stand against the wave.
Souls riven, souls released.
Souls shall rise from the splintered rivulets.
The Other shall stand with the swirling spirits.
Mended portions, malice parried.
And the Other shall stand.
Dungeon Siege II, the sequel to the best-selling action-RPG from Gas Powered Games, returns players to the dark fantasy land of Aranna, a land scarred by civil war where the lines between good and evil are blurred. Dungeon Siege II promises to set a new standard for role-playing games by combining an intriguing story-line with intense real-time party combat and cutting edge 3D graphics. For more information about Dungeon Siege II, visit http://www.dungeonsiege.com/.
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