

Location: Twigroot Basement

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Map Summary


1 - Secret Cache

At this spot you'll find a cache consisting of 30 Pellets and three Fire Bombs. This is one of the secrets in the game. To reach the secret cache, you'll need to press the button in the hallway to the east, which will open a secret door and make the exit windgate (not labeled) disappear. You can also find a Healing Potion in the hallway next to the button.

2 - Shelf

You'll find a Rage Potion in the shelf here.

3 - Blowpipe

You'll find a Blowpipe and a Dart here.

4 - Lever

This lever will open the door leading to the exit windgate (Exit B).

5 - Shelf

In this shelf you'll find two Healing Potions.

6 - Lever

This lever will open the gate leading to the exit windgate (Exit C).

7 - Broadhead Arrows

You'll find two Broadhead Arrows here.

8 - Fire Bomb

You'll find a Fire Bomb here.

9 - Loot

You'll find Cheese and a set of Lock Picks here.

10 - Shrine of the Glutton

If you place three food items into the shelf here, then a nearby secret door will open, revealing a secret where you'll get attacked by about a dozen mummies, but where you'll also find a Tome of Health (#12) and more.

11 - Leather Gloves

You'll find Leather Gloves here.

12 - Shelf

In the shelf here you'll find a Tome of Health.

13 - Speed Potion

You'll find a Speed Potion here.

  1. One-way windgate back up to Twigroot Tunnels.
  2. One-way windgate back up to Twigroot Tunnels.
  3. One-way windgate back up to Twigroot Tunnels.
  4. One-way windgate back up to Twigroot Tunnels.