

Samara Samara is a Justicar, an asari who has forsworn having children and given up all worldly possessions aside from weapons and armor, to wander the galaxy righting wrongs � as defined by their unwavering code of justice. An extremely powerful biotic warrior, Samara is calculating and resolute in her missions. She has no problem with killing as vindicated by the asari Justicar code, but she disapproves of "unjustified" violence.

Her regal and poised demeanor hides something, something from her past that racks her with guilt. What is it that haunts Samara's past, and why does it compel her with such ardent determination?

To recruit Samara into your squad, you'll need to visit Illium and help her find the name of a ship that a fugitive used to escape the planet. It won't be easy - you have to find it on a datapad deep within an Eclipse mercenary hideout.

Power/Ability Training
Asari Justicar, Pull, Reave (Loyalty), Throw

Weapon Training
Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns