

Did we miss anything in this location? Is there something we didn't discover? Let us know!

The module shipped with a couple of semi-nasty bugs, but BioWare was quick to post workarounds. The bugs and their workarounds are shown below:

1. Serah Blackhand doesn't recognize that you've completed the goblin quest, and you have the goblin head in your inventory.

Press the "~" key
Type: DebugMode 1
Press the "~" key
Type: runscript nw_c2_gobchief
Press the "~" key
Type: DebugMode 0

2. You have enough votes to win the election, but Alias won't start it.

Press the "~" key
Type: DebugMode 1
Press the "~" key
Type: runscript act_ali_tovote
Press the "~" key
Type: DebugMode 0