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"Southpaw" Sebastion Fitch is the thief guildmaster. You can find him in the Pawnshop in South Cyan.
To get Southpaw's vote, you must do two things. The first is to rescue a halfling thief named Stiletto from the Cyan Prison (next to the Guildhall in North Cyan). If you're persuasive, you can convince Enivid Divine to free him. Otherwise, you'll have to fight your way through a prison riot to get to him, and then use a set of thieves' tools to liberate him from his cell. Regardless of your choice, you'll receive 1000 experience and a cloak of spiders once you've returned to Southpaw.
If you're a rogue, then freeing Stiletto is all you'll need to do, and, as a bonus, Southpaw will offer you better prices on his goods. If you're not a rogue then you'll also have to tell Southpaw that you'll support his guild -- and perhaps sign a document to prove it.