DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue Reviews
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AtomicGamer gives it a 7/10:
Having had my DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue experience so painfully truncated by the aforementioned bug, it's hard to comment fully on the game. It is possible however, to say that going by the entertaining action/RPG elements and the unparalleled humor of the game to that point, that Ron Gilbert's still (got it). Still, a bug that prevents players from finishing the game (and that as yet has no known fix) just can't be overlooked. DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue, I so wanted to love you but alas, it wasn't meant to be.
MSXbox-World gives it an 8.5/10:
Players that enjoyed the 1st game will no doubt find Thongs of Virtue irresistible as will people new to Death Spank's humorous escapades. The gameplay is as addicting as any dungeon crawler in previous history and gives the player a huge amount of options for equipment and battle strategy. Jocular conversations keep the game from ever taking itself serious and the characters and environment are the most amusing and delightful you'll find on the XBL. It is a shame this game released so close to the 1st as a little more polish on issues like inventory, health restoration, and quests would have made this game even better. The overall experience is exceptional and well worth the 1200 Microsoft points spent adding another Death Spank game to your game library.
Spawn Kill gives it an 8/10:
With all things considered, Thongs of Virtue still offers something very different from the majority of other downloadable games. More than anything, though, Thongs of Virtue manages to fill in the void that the previous game's abrupt ending left behind. Players who got a fair amount of satisfaction from the original ought to find plenty to be excited about with this release. Beyond that, mileage may vary.
Cheat Code Central gives it a 4.7/5:
DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue is a solid release considering its $15 price tag, hours of gameplay, and vast amounts of hilarity. The quality voice acting is spot on with its comedic timing, and the overall look of the game is very unique. There were a few frame rate issues that were experienced intermittently and the lack of a decent co-op mode was disappointing. Action-RPG fans will certainly have fun with this release, although it's similar to the original, and if you're into thongs and (role-playing) then this game is a win-win.
GameArena gives it an 8.5/10:
Coming in at about 16-20 hours for under twenty bucks, DeathSpank Thongs of Virtue surpasses its predecessor in every way, and though it does suffer from minor frame-rate issues in the latter sections, it is one of the most rewarding and fun-filled bits of gaming I've had, and I eagerly await the next instalment. doesn't score it:
DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue picks right up where the original left off. If you loved that one, you'll love this one. It offers 10-12 fun hours of gameplay, an easy 215 GamerScore points, and lots of humor for 1200MSP ($15).
Tech-Gaming gives it a "B":
Bolstered by wittier dialog, a longer quest, and a more balanced and gratifying weaponry, DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue shows a handful of improvements over its precursor. While a more sweeping catalog of changes would have been welcome, it would be a disservice to not recommend this indisputably enjoyable game. As long as future iterations do bring improvements to the 'Dispenser of Justice's' arsenal, DeathSpank doesn't look like he'll wear out his welcome anytime soon.
PlayStation LifeStyle gives it an 8/10:
Hothead seems to understand one true concept: if it's not broke, don't fix it. DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue is much of the same gameplay from its first adventure, of course with a few added ideas to help keep the game fresh. My only wish is that they would release a patch to include an online co-op gameplay. However, with the amount of quests and one-liners packed into this downloadable package, you will definitely have your money well spent with Thongs of Virtue, which will land you with about 10-15 hours of game time.
MonsterVine gives it a perfect 5/5:
In a short summary: you'll fight dinosaurs, Lawrence of Arabia enlists ghouls into his militia, there are aliens, and you go to war against Santa Claus himself. Deathspank TOV is over the top, quirky, and a blast from start to finish so if it wasn't obvious I loved my time with the game and recommend it to players of the first Deathspank and players new to the series.
And Original-Gamer gives it an 8.5/10:
For those who enjoy more of the same, that's exactly what you'll find here. And I would even venture to say the writing and new environments are more fun than the first game. Nothing is left to chance in this crazy world DeathSpank inhabits, and it's the surprise around every corner that keeps things interesting, even when you've completed yet another fetch quest. It's a no brainer for fans of the first game to pick up this sequel. However for those who haven't played the first game, you won't be lost on the story, since it's fairly straightforward. If you want a simple hack and slash mixed with comedy gold, this game is for you.