Knights of the Chalice Sequel Announced
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Feats associated with ranged combat
Point Blank Shot: +1 bonus on ranged attacks when target is within 3 squares.
Precise Shot: No -4 penalty when shooting at a target involved in melee combat.
Improved Precise Shot: Your ranged attacks ignore both cover and light concealment.
Rapid Shot: You can take a -2 penalty on all attacks rolls for the round in order to gain an extra ranged attack at full BAB as part of a full attack action.
Rapid Crossbow Reload: Reload light crossbow as free action, heavy crossbow as move action.
Feats associated with two-weapon fighting
Two-Weapon Fighting: Reduced penalties for wielding several weapons.
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting: Additional attack with two or more weapons.
Greater Two-Weapon Fighting: Additional attack with two or more weapons.
Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting: Additional attack with two or more weapons.
Two-Weapon Defence: +1 bonus to AC with 2 or more weapons & no shield.
Improved Two-Weapon Defence: +2 bonus to AC with two or more weapons.
Greater Two-Weapon Defence: +3 bonus to AC with two or more weapons.
Two-Weapon Pounce: You can charge with a weapon in each hand to make one attack with the right-hand weapon and one attack with the off-hand weapon. These attacks do not benefit from a +2 attack roll bonus. Requires Dex 15, Two-Weapon Fighting, BAB +6.
Feats associated with combat tactics
Die Hard: Your character automatically stabilises when knocked unconscious and dying.
Improved Bull Rush: No Attack of Opportunity (AOO) and +4 on the check to push someone.
Improved Grapple: No AOO when starting grapple, no -4 penalty on grapple attack checks.
Improved Trip: No AOO on trip attempts, and +4 on the check to trip someone.
Improved Disarm: No AOO on disarm attempts, and +4 on the check to disarm someone.
Improved Sunder: No AOO on sunder attempts, and +4 on the sunder check.
Improved Feint: You gain a +4 bonus on feint attempts.
Fast Bull Rush: You perform bull rush attempts as a move action instead of a standard action.
Fast Grapple: You perform grapple attempts as a move action instead of a standard action.
Fast Trip: You perform trip attempts as a move action instead of a standard action.
Fast Disarm: You perform disarm attempts as a move action instead of a standard action.
Fast Sunder: You perform sunder attempts as a move action instead of a standard action.
Fast Feint: You perform feint attempts as a move action instead of a standard action.
Improved Initiative: +4 on initiative checks to determine who acts first.
Improved Natural Armor: Non-player characters can take this feat to increase their AC by one.
Toughness I: Your Hit Points increase by four.
Toughness II: Your Hit Points increase by six. Requires Toughness I and level 5.
Toughness III: Your Hit Points increase by eight. Requires Toughness II and level 10.
Blindfight: Much better chance to hit when blinded or the enemy is concealed or invisible.
Quick Draw: You can use the inventory as a move action instead of a standard action.
Knockback: Full-round attack deals normal damage, pushes target back by one square and knocks them prone. Fort save DC 10+damage to avoid the push, Reflex save DC 10+damage to avoid falling. The target must not be above one size category larger.
Multiattack: The penalty on secondary attacks with natural weapons is reduced from -5 to -2.
Improved Multiattack: The penalty on secondary attacks with natural weapons is removed.
Improved Charge: You gain a +1 competence bonus to attack roll when charging.
Cleave: When facing two enemies, if your attack kills one, you get a free attack on the other.
Great Cleave: Same as cleave but this can give you more than one free attack per round.
Weapon Finesse: You use the Dex modifier rather than Strength on attacks with light weapons.
Combat Reflexes: You can take more than one AOO against enemies every round.
Dodge: You gain a +1 dodge bonus to armor class.
Mobility: You gain a +4 bonus to AC on AOOs you trigger by moving away from the enemy.
Spring Attack: You can move both before and after a standard action.
Whirlwind Attack: You can take a single attack on all enemies in your vicinity.
Two-Handed Weapon Expertise: +1 to damage with all two-handed weapons and with one-handed weapons wielded with two hands. Requires Str 13, BAB +6.
Two-Handed Weapon Mastery: Another +1 to damage with all two-handed weapons and with one-handed weapons wielded with two hands.
Feats associated with weapons and armour
Light Armour Proficiency: No penalty to attack rolls for wearing leather shirt or chain shirt.
Medium Armour Proficiency: No attack-roll penalty wearing hide mail, scale mail, chain mail.
Heavy Armour Proficiency: No attack-roll penalty for wearing breastplate, half-plate or full-plate.
Armor Reflex I: Reduces the armor check penalty to reflex saves when wearing armor or using a shield by 50%, rounded down. Requires Dexterity 11.
Armor Reflex II: Totally removes ACP penalty to reflex saves. Requires Dex 13, Armor Reflex I.
Light Shield Proficiency: No attack penalty when using a light shield.
Heavy Shield Proficiency: No attack penalty when using a heavy shield.
Tower Proficiency: No attack penalty when using a tower shield.
Shield Expertise: You gain a +1 shield bonus to AC when holding a shield.
Shield Mastery: You gain another +1 shield bonus to AC.
Shield Ward: Adds base Shield bonus (not enhancement) to melee touch AC & ranged touch AC.
Weapon Group Proficiency: Select a weapon group. When using any of the weapons in that group, you do not take the -4 non-proficiency penalty to attack rolls.
Weapon Group Focus: +1 bonus to attack when using a weapon of the selected group.
Improved Critical: Increases critical-hit chance with weapons in selected weapon group.
Feats associated with magic
Great Fortitude: +2 bonus to fortitude saving throws.
Iron Will: +2 bonus to willpower saving throws.
Lightning Reflexes: +2 bonus to reflex saving throws.
Improved Luck: +1 to all saving throws. Requires Iron Will, Lightning Reflex, Great Fortitude.
Spell Penetration: +2 on checks to bypass Spell Resistance with a spell or psionic power.
Greater Spell Penetration: Another +2 on checks to bypass Spell Resistance.
Superior Concentration: +4 on concentration checks such as when casting is disturbed.
Improved Counterspell: Any spell of same school and higher level can counter a given spell.
Augment Summoning: Summoned creatures gain +4 to strength and constitution.
Metamagic Empower: You can cast damage spells with a 50% damage bonus. Spell level +2.
Metamagic Maximise: You cast a damage spell dealing the maximum damage. Spell level +3.
Metamagic Widen: You can cast an area spell over an area two times larger. Spell level +2.
Metamagic Still: You cast a spell even when paralysed or without a free hand. Spell level +1.
Metamagic Silent: You cast a spell even if you are mute or the area is silenced. Spell level +1.
Extend Spell Range I: Extends the close range, medium range and long range distances for spells and psionic powers by five feet.
Extend Spell Range II: Extends the close range, medium range and long range distances for spells and psionic powers by another five feet.