Dungeons of Dredmor v1.05 Patch Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 2052
- FIXED: Game not correctly processing some right clicking mouse clicks.
- FIXED: Lag due to blood splatters.
- FIXED: Dual wielding was not working, in particular the last skill.
- FIXED: Shield bearer skills were not correctly granting passive attributes.
- FIXED: A number of screwed up achievements in the "skill set" categories.
- FIXED: Warrior health (and other things) were not being calculated correctly.
- FIXED: various spells not working due to having incorrectly set sight buffs.
- FIXED: primary skill buffs were not passing their bonuses through to secondary skill calculations.
- FIXED: Item duplication bug when hitting "0".
- FIXED: incorrect item values for Cybertronic Amulet.
- FIXED: incorrect item values for Dark Orb.
- FIXED: being able to save and quit the game after your death.
- FIXED: nightmare curse not actually putting monsters to sleep (or correctly triggering the DOT)
- FIXED: narcosomantic induction not always putting monsters to sleep.
- FIXED: SHIFT-Click mode, when turned on, doesn't correctly handle SHIFT-Clicking as regular clicking.
- FIXED: unliving walls do not become permanent blockers after saving and re-loading the game.
- FIXED: stacked necronomiconomics penalties prevent the player from disabling his other buffs.
- FIXED: right-clicking, off turn, causes left-clicking behaviours..
- FIXED: infinitely long Diggle health bars.
- FIXED: monsters not dying when affected by buffs that reduce their HP (acid burn, etc.)
- FIXED: monsters who are stunned or asleep can no longer dodge, block, or counter-attack.
- FIXED: blank pedestal spawning in the Tomb of the Unknown Hero.
- FIXED: certain weapon powers from Krong never activated
- FIXED: various ways in which the player could abuse the shopping system
- FIXED: some items becoming stackable after you put them in crafting tools.
- FIXED: potion stacking stops working after you save, reload, and put it in a craft tool.
- FIXED: vampirism causing haywire (or crit buffs); normal spellcasting NOT haywiring
- FIXED: bad text in wand, potions tutorials
- FIXED: KRONG text no longer mentions crafting skill
- FIXED: starting part of Monster Zoo music wasn't playing
- FIXED: This Translation Is All Wrong! wasn't clearing damage effects on weapons, causing massive damage stacks
- FIXED: a number of spells were not correctly applying blasting damage (Thor's Fulminaric Bolt, for instance.)
- FIXED: Vampires are no longer told to "eat food to regain health." (Now they must dreeenk blaht.)
- FIXED: double "bad weapon" penalties.
- FIXED: a bunch of monster inheritance issues.
- FIXED: crash on fullscreen with OS X 10.7
- FIXED: crash while SHIFT-clicking with an object that you have just auto-looted, with auto-loot enabled.
- FIXED: various other issues with the auto-loot.
- FIXED: Various issues with WASD move-to-open.
- FIXED: Lutefisk cube behaviour is now consistent with regards to stacks versus individual units.
- FIXED: game crash when using non-standard characters in character names.
- FIXED: empty tiles appearing in room definitions.
- FIXED: dual wield and counter chance..
- FIXED: mysteriously appearing broken doors.
- FIXED: buffs that cannot be dismissed.
- FIXED: auto-looting for lockpicks.
- FIXED: multiple on-hit triggers on corpses.
- FIXED: items get deleted when clicking in inventory and holding down CTRL.
- FIXED: don't let the game run in resolutions with y resolution < 600.
- FIXED: Dying at the hands of Lord Dredmor no longer gives you the "Thrusty" achievement.
- FIXED: the Thrusty achievement now works.
- FIXED: Mark of Chthon and Magic Steel now correctly buff in a way that scales with magic power.
- FIXED: traps triggered by monsters applying buffs to the players.
- FIXED: pets give you XP when you kill them.
- FIXED: curses on monster stacks cause madness.
- FIXED: game launcher uses 100% CPU
- FIXED: Fine Bronze Cuirass has incorrect stats.
- FIXED: issues with ALT-TAB and SDL causing certain things (quicksell, stack split) to stop working after leaving and returning to the game.
- FIXED: bolt recovery now works for crossbow users on all hits, not just death.
- FIXED: thrown item recovery now works for all thrown items on all hits, not just death.
- NERF: Using a wand now disables invisibility effects.
- NERF: The Obvious Fireball has been Nerfed more obviously than the last un-obvious Nerf.
- NERF: This Translation Is All Wrong! now enacts a Terrible Price. Also, we got to make another Marcus Brody joke.
- NERF: added some more resistances throughout levels to require you to use at least two spells to beat the game.
- NERF: Hand of Belimawr is no longer stackable.
- NERF: Alchemy, in various small, cruel ways.
- NERF: "This Translation is All Wrong" saps magic from items, occasionally.
- BUFF: Psionics gets magic resistance.
- GAMEPLAY: Nerfed, then buffed, Vampirism. It's sort of about the same, really.
- GAMEPLAY: More fire resistance on Level 9 monsters.
- GAMEPLAY: Black Pearls can now be ground into chalk. Interestingly, this is not a flight of fancy but is based on Science.
- GAMEPLAY: Heavy armour gives greater magic penalties, but offers more piercing resistance.
- GAMEPLAY: Heavy armour also reduces nimbleness.
- GAMEPLAY: the Jingly Jangly Staff of Crystals now requires alchemy instead of smithing.
- GAMEPLAY: Lutefisk balancing changes.
- GAMEPLAY: Tinkerers can now make Black Powder.
- GAMEPLAY: Robots now do electrical damage. Because, you know, they're robots.
- GAMEPLAY: Blobbies now leave Acid Pools.
- UI: Kill the Tutorial Pop-up at the start of the game if you've seen it once.
- Monsters have an expanded vocabulary.
- The Bony Wand is now not quite as awful.
- Lord Dredmor is now nastier.
- Added a new, fun monster to Level 10.
- Added craftable thrown weapons.
- Added slightly more informative vending machine tool text.
- Game renders all text using UTF-8 internally, for the Japanese Translation teams. (Ganbatte!)
- Upped Pyrokinesis damage.
- Made acid traps marginally less deadly.
- Fixed zorkmid scaling drop rate.
- Changed graveyard text so people no longer think their scores are negative.
- Weapon and armour stats have been given some more love.
- Elven Ingot Grinder is now affected by alchemy, not smithing or tinkering.
- Alchemists now start with an Ingot Grinder, giving them more rubbish than any other class.
- Adjacent monsters now display health bars consistently.
- Trap outlines are now drawn on top of walls when they are obscured.
- ALT-click will now split stacks in the inventory.
- Added a new minimap interface, and some minimap icons for Lutefisk Shrines, quest statues, Anvils, etc.
- Added some more rooms of Fun.
- Added some rings and amulets that give Necromantic Resistance, for those days when you need Necromantic Resistance.
- Pet AI improvements; your Moustache Golem now longer has the intelligence of a protozoa. (We're now at "easily frightened wombat")
- Added more achievements.
- New throwing item recipes.
- Added a reward for clearing a Monster Zoo.
- Autoloot toggle moved to config screen.
- Added "DIGEST" button for automatic digestion of foods.
- New "Random Skills" icon.