Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Interactive Story, Chapters 1-3
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Chapter 1:I've mirrored all three of the storyline's screenshots in our image gallery, too.
You bolt awake in an unfamiliar place, sweating and out of breath from the dream. You were in the tower again. The decay. The filth. And the Tuatha.. Panic. Fire. The gnome giving his life to save yours. So many dead. As you wipe the sleep from your eyes, you swear that you can still smell the moldy decay of Allestar Tower and the smoke of the fires that destroyed it.
Hugues had called you a miracle a miracle that he was willing to give his life to preserve. His sacrifice allowed you to escape here, to Gorhart, to seek refuge at the inn. You struggle to remember anything about the town. If you've ever been here before, the memory has been wiped from your mind by your death and rebirth in the Well of Souls.
You swing your legs over the bed, casting aside the sweat-soaked blankets. Making your way across the room in the cold light of dawn, your gaze passes over the mirror above the room's washbasin. You pause for a moment, barely able to recognize your own face staring back at you. It is the face of a...
Chapter 2:
You pause for a moment, barely able to recognize your own face staring back at you. It is the face of an Almain woman with cropped brown hair. The sparkling green eyes staring back at you may as well be a stranger's.
A sharp knock at the door breaks you out of your momentary haze. The innkeeper's voice drifts through the door, cheerfully demanding to know if you're awake. You grumble a response. The innkeeper, hardly swayed by your mood, launches into a description of the breakfast offerings. As your stomach rumbles in response, you realize that you haven't eaten since waking up in the tower.
Where do you go from here? The only people that you've known since the attack at the tower are dead, except for that Fateweaver. What now? After thinking for several long moments, you decide that exploring Gorhart would be as good a place as any to start.
Before you escaped Allestar Tower, the gnomes gave you several battle-worn weapons and sets of armor. They weren't much, but you never would have made it out alive without them. One set felt more comfortable and familiar than the rest. It felt right. You reach into the wooden chest at your bedside and pull out your.
Chapter 3:
You reach into the wooden chest at your bedside and retrieve your worn leather armor and daggers. The smell of the leather, the weight of the daggers. it all seems familiar. After clearing your head, you carefully tighten the straps on the armor and slide the daggers into your belt.
After finishing with your preparations, you head downstairs to the great room. The innkeeper gives you a warm smile and gestures at a hearty breakfast arranged on a long table. You grab a few morsels for the road, offer hasty thanks to your gracious host, and leave the Gorhart Inn.
Outside, the early morning sunlight filters through the trees, casting a warm glow on the village. The citizens of Gorhart are already set about their daily tasks, feeding livestock, tending gardens, and opening shops.
The path before you is open and its destination uncertain. To your left, you see a building with a hammer and anvil on the sign. To your right, you see a house with an herb garden. And behind you, a mission with a tall steeple sits atop a grassy hill. Which direction do you go?