Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Interactive Story, Chapters 6-7
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From the safety of the cliffside, you study the bandits and formulate a plan. This is no ordinary group of highwaymen and cutpurses -- that much is clear. What isn't clear is why they're here, and who is in charge. Several of the bandits are busy abusing practice dummies, while the rest are drinking by the fire, standing watch, and patrolling the camp perimeter. Any of them could be the leader . or none. The only way you'll know for sure is to infiltrate the camp.
You're confident in your ability to handle yourself in a fight, but these bandits are organized, experienced, and have numbers on their side. Sneaking into the heart of their camp in broad daylight is a risk you're not willing to take. You quietly descend the cliff and await nightfall between the gnarled roots of a nearby tree.
The late evening air has chilled by the time the voices from the bandit camp grow quiet. Under the shroud of night, you creep upriver and slip behind a canvas tent on the camp outskirts. From your position, you can see three bandits standing watch. Crouching low, you survey possible routes through the camp. As one of the guards patrols near the river, you spot a path through the tents that leads to a dark shadow nearby the wandering guard.
Acting on instinct, you crouch low, follow the route through the camp and circle behind the guard. The adrenaline coursing through your veins heightens your senses. The lone guard is far enough from the other two lookouts that they don't notice when you grip a hand over his mouth, plunge a dagger in his back, and slide his limp body into the river's dark waters. The act is quick, silent, and precise.
Satisfied that part of the camp is safe for you to explore, you begin your search. You slip from tent to tent checking chests, satchels, and crates. In one of the larger tents, you find what you were looking for: a hand-written letter detailing targets in Gorhart, and note about testing a '˜formula' during the next attack. You pocket the letter and slip out of the tent.