Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Interactive Story, Chapters 8-11
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1940
The Tuatha assailants have a generous lead out of Gorhart. With no time to waste, you sheath your faeblades and leave the aftermath of the attack behind. You've almost reached the edge of the Gorhart's farthest outskirts when the guardswoman catches up to you. She gives your armor a scrutinizing look and presses a weighty pack into your hands. (You'll need these if you're going after that lot,) she explains. Inside the pack is a new set of leathers, much sturdier than your current battle-worn set.
You quickly replace the old leathers with the new reinforces ones, grateful for the unexpected gift. With a smile and hasty thanks, you rush southwest in pursuit of the small group of Tuatha who fled in that direction.
Not far from Gorhart, you discover more than you'd expected to find. Your quarries are making no effort to conceal their escape route. The fleeing Tuatha have left a trail of broken branches, fresh footprints, and rivulets of blood in their wake.
Daylight grows sparse the deeper you hike into the Odarath wilds. You've no way to track time, but you feel as if you've been tracking the Tuatha for hours. The thick canopy above chokes out the sky beyond, making it impossible to gauge direction or time of day. The heightening sounds of predatory beasts all around you signal that nightfall is encroaching.
You're determined to catch the Tuatha, but trying to track them in the darkness is quickly becoming impossible. Accepting temporary defeat, you decide to rest until daybreak.