Dungeon Lords MMXII Pricing, Release Date, and Screenshots Revealed

It's certainly not official yet, but Amazon Germany has kicked up a product page for Dungeon Lords MMXII that puts the remastered edition at a €14.99 price point, slates the game for a May 29th release date, and reveals the first two screenshots we've seen to date. I've already mirrored the screens over in our image gallery, which primarily showcase the GUI changes the team has made to the original game. Veterans of the title will notice that there is now a lengthy hotbar across the bottom of the screen and the paperdoll window has received a few tweaks.

I have an interview in the pipeline for this one, so hopefully we'll have more concrete details (and a confirmation on the release date) soon. Thanks, CraigBee, via our forums.
Related Games: Dungeon Lords MMXII