Dead State Kickstarter Project Update #15, $271,000 and Counting
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1325
With 24 hours left, there's a few things we can do to help reach $300k and beyond. A lot of that is going to depend on reaching new backers and reminding people that this is their last chance to pledge or upgrade their pledge. Again, the easiest way we can do this is:
'¢ Write game sites and tell them to cover Dead State because time is running out. (Be polite)
'¢ Keep message board topics alive and tell people why you support Dead State or link to art or interviews. (Follow the rules of the boards)
'¢ Tweet or post about the game on social networks if you haven't done so already remember to tell people that the Kickstarter is coming to an end.
'¢ Remind friends who might be interested in the game and make sure they have a link to the Kickstarter project page.
'¢ Drawing attention to the project and getting new backers will quickly reach those stretch goals. Yesterday was the second best day of funding for the project! The last 24 hours could go even higher.
Additionally, we would encourage that all backers do the following before the KS ends:
'¢ Check your pledge level, read over the rewards, make sure you are 100% satisfied with your pledge and that you know exactly what is included. You can't change it after the Kickstarter ends.
'¢ Make sure your credit info for Amazon hasn't changed! You have several days to fix issues with it after the KS ends and they should notify you if there are issues, but if it gets cancelled for any reason, there is no way to redo the pledge.
'¢ This is the last chance to get the base game for $15.
'¢ This is the last chance to get the Splendid Box ever. We will most likely not have the bullet USB again either.
'¢ We will never offer the special edition shirt ever again it's exclusive to Kickstarter.
'¢ Backers at the $5000 level will receive an Executive Producer title in the credits.