Divinity: Original Sin Kickstarter Update #16, $512,060 and Counting
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1499
Here's a snip:
I must put this to paper or go mad!
What have I done? No god can save my sanity - not one of them; not even seven ...
Infernal fool that I am, I entered Phantom Forest ... the shire of shadow more tenebrous than fabled Tartarus.
It must have been the whispers that seduced me. It must have been the promises that came rustling through the leaves. No sooner did I hear my deepest desires echoing in the dark, than I perceived them in the undergrowth, right there for the taking. Entranced, I wandered forth, my hands set firm like claws - reaching ...
It was so close at first, but never did I quite draw nearer to my goal as I stumbled along fallen branches, dead and deformed. Lost was I, in sense and time, but still I persevered.
At last the moment came. All my desires afore me! Yet when my fingers were about to claim their long awaited caress, darkness fell within darkness and two eyes caught my gaze; two eyes more black then the furthest and most starless reaches of the cosmic wastes that surround us.
Frantically I turned and ran. Dashed like a madman while behind me, above me, beside me, the whispers beset me once more. I dare not write of what I heard. I cannot if I tried.
I have heard cruelty incarnate bare its soul. Long as it lives, death holds no fear.
Then suddenly ... sunlight. The dark's lust for prey must have made it spring its trap too soon. I escaped to tell my story. But why would I recount a tale of horror that would make the very flowers wither, should they catch wind of what I saw?
Let only this piece of pitiable parchment be stained by the inescapable agony that is ineffaceable memory.
O gods, what have I done? I entered Phantom Forest ...
The manuscript continues, and repeats these ramblings again and again. Are you really sure you want this dungeon to become even bigger...?