Kingdoms of Amalur IP Unsold at 38 Studios Auction
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According to this Gamasutra report, the 38 Studios auction recently concluded, but the Kingdoms of Amalur IP, which Curt Schilling believed to be a potentially billion dollar franchise, didn't find a suitable buyer:
No suitable buyers were found for the other assets on the auction block, including 38 Studios' internal "Helios" technology, sequel and merchandise rights to Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, and the partially completed MMORPG codenamed Project Copernicus.
"The Receiver did not receive acceptable offers for the remaining lots, including Project Copernicus," according to a public statement issued by Richard J. Lund, who was appointed by a Rhode Island Superior Court judge to serve as Receiver in the 38 Studios asset auction.
Last year the state of Rhode Island took possession of 38 Studios' assets after the studio filed for bankruptcy. 38 Studios still owed money on a $75 million taxpayer-backed loan from the Rhode Island Economic Development Corp., and the state had previously expressed interest in selling the assets to help pay back the loan. The comparatively paltry earnings from this week's auction seem unlikely to make much of a dent in that debt.
I have to say I'm really glad I'm not a Rhode Island taxpayer right now.