Wasteland 2 Beta Review and Let's Play
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Eurogamer is offering both a "Let's Play" video look at the recently released Wasteland 2 beta, and a fairly positive review for it. A quote from the latter:
Even so, it's tough to recommend buying into the beta at this point - but not because of anything Wasteland 2 really does wrong. It's more because, like all narrative-led games, you're only going to get one first playthrough, and it makes sense to wait until it's the best it can be. A final release date has yet to be set, but fans have already waited 25 years for a Wasteland sequel. Holding on a few more months makes sense and shouldn't hurt too much, especially with the hardest of the hardcore already on board, drilling into the systems and feeding back suggestions and complaints and bug reports over on the official forums.
What the beta does offer, though, is the best evidence so far that inXile is on the right track here. Already, Wasteland 2 has the spirit of the original firmly in place, and puts its designers' Kickstarted money where their mouths were during the campaign in terms of how it's been updated and to what extent. This game is more than a little clunky and certainly isn't a looker, but is leaving no stone unturned to be both the sequel that Wasteland deserves and a great RPG in its own right. That's what was promised. That's what seems to be on its way. That's what counts more than anything else, and I eagerly await the rest.