Divinity: Original Sin Alpha Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 2217

While it originally was meant to be released only to backers at a certain pledge level, Larian subsequently decided to make the alpha available to all backers, and so they did today, as they note in the press release they sent us:
Divinity: Original Sin Goes to Alpha for Kickstarter Backers
Larian Studios is pleased to announce that Divinity: Original Sin--the latest in the cult-favorite series--is now in alpha for all of its Kickstarter backers.
You may be asking yourself "But how do I know it's ready for alpha release? If only someone put together a nice, long video where I can see for myself..." and Larian anticipated this through their mind-reading powers, so check this link to see it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnZYMrWI4BI
Anyone that backed Divinity: Original Sin need only register or sign in on the Larian Vault, enter the email they used to back the game, and they will find a Steam key waiting for them under the Kickstarter tab.
The alpha itself includes:
'¢ 15-20% of the full game
'¢ 10-15 hours of content
'¢ Most of the starting city - Cyseal - is available, as well as some dungeons around the city.
Initially, the alpha will be single-player only but multiplayer will be added in the future. Sounds and music, animations, and all that other good stuff may be placeholders to be updated as the alpha rolls along. Alpha builds will be updated on a regular basis through Steam and players in the alpha can capture and stream footage with no NDA.
The list of current known issues and placeholders can be found here: http://www.divinityoriginalsin.com/issues.html
Divinity: Original Sin is currently scheduled for a February 2014 release.
Here's a link to the Larian Vault, in case you happen to be eligible for the alpha build Steam key. Again, just as with Wasteland 2's beta, it's worth noting that an alpha build is not quite the same as a demo, and that players who are interested in playing the game in this state should be ready to deal with annoyances, bugs and problems of various types, which, by the way, they should consider reporting to the developers.
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