Torment: Tides of Numenera EGX Rezzed Presentation
Category: News ArchiveHits: 2909

Update: A recorded version of the presentation is now available on Twitch, from the 16:19 mark at the link. During it, McComb identified the pillars that define what a Torment game is and guided the inXile team throughout development, before offering specific examples accompanied by some new concept art and a look at some of the tools and documentation used internally. Unfortunately, McComb lost some of the intended slides for the presentation and the Q&A session was extremely short (only 2 questions managed to fit into the allotted time), but otherwise the panel is a solid watch for people interested in the title.
Original story: If you want to learn more about the narrative design of Torment: Tides of Numenera directly from creative lead Colin McComb, you'd do well if you decided to watch the talk the man is giving at EGX Rezzed that is currently being streamed on Twitch.
We'll update the newspost with an archived link and a brief summary as soon as possible.