Morrowind Preview

Time keeps on ticking, ticking... and it's appearing that Bethesda's gem-in-waiting, the single-player RPG Morrowind, certainly has most of the RPG-world needing an extra-large supply of any dentist's saliva-vacuum tubes. Not just one of the best looking games on the horizon, but also one of the most grand and epic-sounding, DailyTeleFrag does some justice to the game by firing up an excellent preview/summary of the game at this stage. The shots aren't new, but are double-take worthy nonetheless, and the preview privies us to most of what's known of the game at this time. A trace:

The area of action in the game will be huge, even though smaller that the one in Daggerfall. But in Daggerfall all tombs and most of settlements were generated in the course of the game, whereas in Morrowind all towns, all villages, all tombs will be created and worked over by a group of designers. All in all what's promised to us is more than 30 carefully though-out towns and villages populated by an enormous number of NPCs. And those NPCs won't be that characterless and soulless as they used to be in Daggerfall. Each of them will be a personality with its own character, its own history, its own life, its own habits and it's own attitude to what's going on. Each NPC will have his own attitude to you, and everything you can think of will affect that attitude. Your actions, your race, even the way you are dressed - everything.