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Let's say i've just created a module, and I'm the only DM. It's a scene where the PC's are a small party and they are fighting an evil party of my creation that are similar in power to the players (so it should be tough). My question is in regards to the basic level of A.I that monsters/NPC's possess with regards to combat. I know you're saying "script!script!". Two problems: There are too many specific situations that are unique to each battle. And now you're saying "possess, jump in and manage that evil NPC real time!". But there is only one DM and i don't feel like jumping from one NPC to the other (i'm lazy, ok). What it basically boils down to, is whether NPCs possess some basic level of AI to make the best choices and implementations of their feats/skills/spells/items etc. I don't think anything can replace a live DM taking charge to get the most out of any NPC vs PC battle, (including scripting). Is there any planning going on with regards to a minimum A.I that will allow NPC's to recognize their feats/items in combat and act accordingly?
- .... A.I. *IS* Scripting. That's what makes up the A.I. of creatures in computer games, scripts. Yes, though, all of the creatures and NPCs will have A.I.'s already provided for them to handle things like "how to fight".
The only issue is that the way a specific creature is scripted to behave in the official game may not be the way you want for your own. So, at that point you'll have to tweak the existing scripts or find one online that you like that you can import into your module.
I would imagine also that we'll have the ability to set basic behavior switches on most creatures in the toolset, like Aggressive/Passive or Brave/Cowardly and simple things like Morale level. That gives you more flexibility with each creature without actually having to reprogram it.
Cord Grimwinder