EverQuest II: Echoes of Faydwer Interview
Category: News ArchiveHits: 903
Q: What sorts of new locations and settings will Echoes of Faydwer have?
A: Echoes of Faydwer has many of the areas that a person familiar with EverQuest would expect to see, as well as a number of brand new places. We had a strong desire to include quite a few of the familiar areas, but a lot of them have changed significantly. A couple of highlights: The gnomish city of Ak'Anon underwent significant change. The gnomes abandoned their home to their clockwork creations. When the cataclysm came and went, the mechanical caretakers weren't anxious to relinquish the city to its original owners. One place that players will be able to adventure in is this former homeland, since renamed Klak'Anon. High Elves are another interesting breed. For reasons that are only now becoming clear through the lore releases on the EQ2Players.com website, the High Elves turned very xenophobic, shunning all outsiders including those of their own kind. Now known as (New Tunaria,) Felwithe is another place ripe with opportunities for adventure.