Sean K. Reynolds Joins Paizo Publishing
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Paizo Publishing Hires Sean K Reynolds
Co-Author of the 3.5 Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting to join Paizo as a developer
June 25, 2008 (BELLEVUE, Wash.) Paizo announced today the hiring of Sean K Reynolds as a developer on the Pathfinderâ„¢ and Pathfinder Chroniclesâ„¢ lines of Adventure Paths, modules, and support materials all compatible with the 3.5 edition of the world's most popular roleplaying game.
"I am incredibly excited to work for Paizo," said Sean K Reynolds. "They have a strong relationship with the gaming community and an obvious respect for their work. On a personal level I think the Paizo staff are great people, and I'm looking forward to joining the team!"
"From my very first day at Wizards to every Monday night in Monte Cook's Ptolus campaign, Sean Reynolds has been a constant presence in my RPG career." said Paizo's Publisher, Erik Mona. "I'm thrilled to bring him to Paizo. His strong rules knowledge and boundless creativity will help position Paizo and Pathfinder as leaders in the RPG business for years to come."
Sean K Reynolds was born in a coastal town in southern California. A professional game designer since 1998, he's best known for his work on the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, Greyhawk, and the 3rd edition Monster Manual. He spends his free time reading, painting miniatures, and writing three-sentence biographies.
Sean's gaming credits include the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, Magic of Faerûn, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, Dark Matter, Monster Manual (3rd edition), Fiend Folio, Champions of Valor and Savage Species.
Paizo Publishing®, LLC is a leading publisher of fantasy roleplaying games, accessories, board games, and novels. Paizo's Pathfinder™ line of adventures and Pathfinder Chronicles™ campaign setting support materials combine decades of game design experience into one evocative system compatible with the 3.5 rules. Paizo's GameMastery™ line offers easy-to-use tools for Game Masters of any fantasy roleplaying game to improve their gaming experience. Titanic Games™, Paizo's board game imprint, unleashes fun, challenging games like Kill Doctor Lucky™ and Yetisburg™ that appeal to both families and casual gamers alike. Paizo's Planet Stories line of science fiction and fantasy novel reprints promises a master class in the genre aimed at building the greatest fantasy and science fiction library ever assembled. is the leading online hobby retail store, offering tens of thousands of products from a variety of publishers to customers all over the world.
In the five years since its founding, Paizo Publishing has received more than a dozen major awards and has grown to become one of the most influential companies in the hobby games industry.
If you're looking for more info about Sean, check out our 2004 interview with him.