The Lord of the Rings Online: Mines of Moria Interview
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Considering players have to be level 50 before they can access Mines of Moria content, will there be enough solo quests to make up for the greater difficulty of forming fellowships and raids? Will there be a "soloable" end game for Moria or this strongly fellowship and raid based?Spotted on Blue's News.
My goal for the creative direction of The Lord of the Rings Online is to maintain the consistent, high quality content we've proven we can provide, along with the ratio of that content. Gaining access to Moria will be an introduction, similar to the Race introduction instances. From there, Moria and Eregion are vast sprawling landscapes, with room for solo players, small fellowship players, and fellowship players. We've also added instances for each of those groups, meaning that we now have 3 man instances, and solo instances within Moria itself. As for the end game experience, we've added a great deal of instance content there, many of which have varying rewards for completing them on '˜Hard mode' (Not the Tolkien approved title). Right alongside of our instances, however, we have the sprawling, and awesome, Item Advancement system. It is, in many ways, the premiere system of Moria, and possibly of the recent MMO space. Advancing your item is a solo activity, and is meant to be advanced in groups or solo.