Mass Effect 2 Overlord DLC Reviews
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Eurogamer gives it an 8/10:
Overlord's ending, which I will try not to spoil, is very effective, certainly more so than you'd expect from an optional extra. Thought, care and balance has gone into shaping this interactive novella. Shepherd has faced rogue artificial intelligences before, most memorably in the lunar side quest of the original game, but this is ultimately more than just another tale of man versus dictatorial machine and the ethical choice at the end is between the lesser of two apparent evils, not a cut and dried good or bad coin toss. Even the boss fight that leads up to it bucks expectations, driven by containment rather than destruction.
The Game Fanatics gives it a 90%:
In my opinion, this is the best Mass Effect 2 DLC so far. It's still pretty short, beatable in about two days, but for the amount of money that you pay, it's worth it. Regardless of how short it is, this DLC has a great story, the scenery is beautiful and eerie and overall, if you're a Mass Effect fan, pick this one up.
Game Critics gives it an 8.0/10:
Overlord may not be seamless and it doesn't erase all of the issues I had with the main game, but that's to be expected. After all, this is add-on DLC and not a reworking of the game's basic structure. With that in mind, I can say that I very much enjoyed the thought and balance that obviously went into the creation of this new mission, and as a true Mass Effect fan, this attempt to return to form is probably the most welcome thing I could possibly imagine.
Gamesugar doesn't do the scoring thing:
Unfortunately, role-playing elements available in Overlord are limited. There's not much opportunity to exercise your Sherpard's personality, with only one real player decision being offered. Given that this is a combat-light mission set, some more significant conversation and role-playing elements would have gone a long way towards filling out the package. Nevertheless, the inclusion of light platforming and puzzle elements interspersed with Geth battles and Hammerhead piloting sequences makes for a well balanced package, and a suitable vehicle for some of the more unique experiences provided by Overlord. At two hours of gameplay for 560 Microsoft points, Overlord isn't overly cheap but if you're looking to extend your Mass Effect playthrough, it's a solid effort that adds a little more variety to the game.
Explicit Gamer gives it an 8.3/10:
All in all it's a great DLC with another plot point to explore in the Mass Effect universe. Whether or not it is worth the price is completely objective based on how emotionally vested you are in the universe. For a lore junkie and Mass Effect 2 fan-boy like myself, despite some drawbacks and limitations, I would still pay the price-tag. For some others, the length and breadth of the content simply does not justify the cost.
BAD ORC remains scoreless:
No matter my gripes, the DLC pack Overlord is still amazingly fun and the story alone gives you enough reason to sink your 560 MS points into it.
And then there are some pretty enthusiastic reader reviews on 1UP and Kotaku.