Elemental: War of Magic Preview

Hooked Gamers has put together a brief and somewhat inaccurate preview of Stardock's Elemental: War of Magic, but I suppose it's worth reading through just for a quick refresher.
One of the higher points of Elemental: War Of Magic is that it ignores the notion of genre. The game offers a plethora of tools to have fun with, as long as you are into knights, wizards and demons. One of the highest points of interest in the game is a feature called 'unit design'. This is the RPG element that the developer proudly puts forward in the marketing campaign. The player is going to have the opportunity to micro-manage the design of his units the way he would create a character in a role playing game.

You can design every unit down to their names, their hit points, their attack points, all of their different skills. You can also choose their equipment. This way, the player - as the sovereign - can design an army to his own image which gives the player quite a unique relationship with the game.

The above is certainly not the only feature borrowed from the RPG genre. There are also quests to perform. The questing function does not overshadow the primary strategic aspect, but it is an addition that has the potential to make things livelier and more immersive. Most quests will be straightforward quests along the lines of 'kill an enemy', 'rescue a character' or 'retrieve an object'. In turn, they will trigger many possibilities like gaining new abilities or having access to new areas of the map. You will also be given the option to order and follow a single unit into a given quest.
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