Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Preview
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1713
Let's just say that Curt is a serious gamer, so serious in fact that he decided to form his own gaming company, so serious that he's assembled this A-Team of visionaries to bring his own personal vision of what an RPG (should be) to life. Let's just say that I believe in Curt Schilling, let's just say that I believe that 38 Games (twas his MLB number) is capable of creating one of the greatest RPG's in recent history, and as a complete PC-RPG fanboy, that's saying a lot.
Oblivion was a great open world RPG, but it lacked story and substance. One can only hope that R.A Salvatore can solve this problem for us. He says he will create a world that is beautiful, one that is (worth defending) with a threat that is (worth fighting.) Oblivion was a great (looking) RPG, but it lacked that visceral design and art style that would make it feel (real.) One can only hope Todd Mcfarlane will solve this problem for us. He says they will kill things in this game (better than anyone has ever killed anything!!) Ken Rolston clearly knows how to make a great RPG, but it seems that he is more excited than I have ever seen him before (and Ken gets pretty excited) about Reckoning.