Beast Slayer
Grants a danage bonus against all beasts.
Type: Passive
Effect: x1.25 damage against beasts
Bloody Slaughter
All attacks at enemies with low Endurance convert some Hits to Crits, and all Crits do additional damage.
Type: Passive
Effect: +20% of Hits converted to Crits against targets with low Endurance, +0.5 to Crit Damage Multiplier
Dangerous Implement
Increases damage done by implements (wands, scepters and rods) but does a small amount of raw damage to the wielder with each attack.
Type: Modal
Effect: x1.25 damage with implements, 3 raw damage to self when attacking with implements
Envenomed Strike
With a mixture of animal and plant venoms applied to his or her weapon, the character is able to deliver a poisonous strike that does raw damage over time.
Type: Active (3 per rest)
Speed: Average
Interrupt: 0.5s
Effect: Target receives Envenomed Strike Poison for 9s
Ghost Hunter
Grants a damage bonus against all spirits.
Type: Passive
Effect: x1.25 damage against spirits
Reload speeds are faster for crossbows, arbalests, and all firearms.
Type: Passive
Effect: x1.2 Reload Speed
Interrupting Blows
Increases the chance to cause an Interrupt with any damaging attack.
Type: Passive
Effect: +15% Interrupt chance
Increases the character's Accuracy with ranged weapons used on distant targets.
Type: Passive
Effect: +5 Accuracy against distant enemies
One-Handed Style
While wielding a single one-handed melee weapon, some of the attacker's Grazes are converted to Hits.
Type: Passive
Effect: +30% of Grazes are converted to Hits with one-handed melee weapons
Penetrating Shot
Sacrifice ranged Attack Speed for increased Damage Reduction.
Type: Modal
Effect: -20% ranged Attack Speed, +5 ranged DR Bypass
Primal Bane
Grants a damage bonus against all primordials.
Type: Passive
Effect: x1.25 damage against primordials
Grants a damage bonus against all vessels.
Type: Passive
Effect: x1.25 damage against vessels
Savage Attack
By attacking with unbridled ferocity, characters are able to sacrifice melee Accuracy for a significant boost to damage.
Type: Modal
Effect: x1.2 melee damage, -5 melee Accuracy
Two-Handed Style
Grants a damage bonus while wielding a two-handed weapon.
Type: Passive
Effect: x1.1 damage with two-handed weapons
Two Weapon Style
Specialized training increases the character's Attack Speed while using a weapon in each hand.
Type: Passive
Effect: x1.2 dual wield Attack Speed
Vulnerable Attack
Characters slow down their melee Attack Speed to bypass a portion of their enemy's Damage Reduction.
Type: Modal
Effect: -20% melee Attack Speed, +5 melee DR Bypass
Weapon Focus: Adventurer
Trains the character in the use of the Pollaxe, Estoc, Flail, Wand and War Bow, gaining Accuracy with all weapons of those types.
Type: Passive
Effect: +6 Accuracy (Pollaxe, Estoc, Flail, Wand, War Bow)
Weapon Focus: Knight
Trains the character in the use of the Battle Axe, Sword, Morning Star and Crossbow, gaining Accuracy with all weapons of those types.
Type: Passive
Effect: +6 Accuracy (Battle Axe, Sword, Morning Star, Crossbow)
Weapon Focus: Noble
Trains the character in the use of the Dagger, Rapier, Mace, Scepter and Rod, gaining Accuracy with all weapons of those types.
Type: Passive
Effect: +6 Accuracy (Dagger, Rapier, Mace, Scepter, Rod)
Weapon Focus: Peasant
Trains the character in the use of the Hatchet, Spear, Quarterstaff, Hunting Bow and Unarmed, gaining Accuracy with all weapons of those types.
Type: Passive
Effect: +6 Accuracy (Hatchet, Spear, Quarterstaff, Hunting Bow, Unarmed)
Weapon Focus: Ruffian
Trains the character in the use of the Sabre, Stiletto, Club, Pistol and Blunderbuss, gaining Accuracy with all weapons of those types.
Type: Passive
Effect: +6 Accuracy (Sabre, Stiletto, Club, Pistol, Blunderbuss)
Weapon Focus: Soldier
Trains the character in the use of the Great Sword, Pike, War Hammer, Arbalest and Arquebus, gaining Accuracy with all weapons of those types.
Type: Passive
Effect: +6 Accuracy (Great Sword, Pike, War Hammer, Arbalest, Arquebus)
Wilder Hunter
Grants a danage bonus against all wilder.
Type: Passive
Effect: x1.25 damage against wilder