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Attributes: Intelligence
Intelligence: Used in Decking and Rigging to calculate the chance to hit with computer programs and drones. Also used to calculate the chance to be hit by enemy programs in the Matrix.

Rank Maximums (for Intelligence and associated skills)
6 Maximum for Trolls
8 Maximum for Orks
9 Maximum for Dwarves, Elves and Humans

Associated Skills

Biotech: Grants a bonus to HP recovered when using Medikits.

Rank Unlocked Abilities
2 Enemy HP becomes visible

Decking: Required for Decking. Main component to calculate the chance to hit enemy computer programs and deckers.

Rank Unlocked Abilities
1 Allows use of the Sony CTY-360
2 Mark Target I: Increases your chance to hit enemies by 10%
3 Allows use of the Renraku Kraftwork-1
4 Mark Target II: Increases your chance to hit enemies by 15%
5 Allows use of the Fuchi VirtuaX
6 Mark Target III: Increases your chance to hit enemies by 20%
7 Allows use of the Fairlight Excalibur

ESP Control: Increases the power of the Decker's Expert Systems Programs in the Matrix.

Drone Control: Allows Riggers to access more and different drones and abilities.

Rank Unlocked Abilities
1 Allows use of Class C drones
3 Allows use of Class B drones
4 Allows two drones to be equipped
5 Allows use of Class A drones
7 Allows use of Class S drones

Drone Combat: Adds abilities and bonuses to a Rigger's drones.

Rank Unlocked Abilities
1 Drone Armor I: Drones receive +1 armor
2 Drone Accuracy I: Drones receive +5% accuracy
3 Drone Dodge I: Drones receive +1 dodge
4 Drone Damage I: Drones deal +2 HP damage
5 Drone Armor II: Drones receive +2 armor
6 Drone AP I: Drones receive +1 AP
7 Drone Accuracy II: Drones receive +10% accuracy, Drone Damage II: Drones deal +4 HP damage
4 Drone Dodge II: Drones receive +2 dodge
6 Drone AP II: Drones receive +2 AP