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Cleric Level 6

Range: Close
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: One target

This spell brings a target to death's door, reducing it to very few hit points, no matter how many hit points it had before the spell. The cleric must be in the front rank to hit a target.


Range: 0
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: One character

This spell completely heals a character of all damage, poison, blindness, and paralysis.

Heroes' Feast

Range: 0
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: Entire party

This spell, in addition to feeding the party, heals, blesses (as per the Bless spell), cures diseases, and makes the party immune to fear, poison, hopelessness and panic for an extended period of time.

Sol's Searing Orb

Range: Long
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: One target

This spell turns a gem into a weapon. The gem must be thrown immediately because it turns into a searing orb. The caster's chances of hitting a victim are greatly increased. And if the gem hits, it does 6-36 points of fire damage, and the target is blinded for a short period of time. Undead creatures suffer double the damage effect.