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by Teroril
Mon Mar 11, 2002 2:56 pm
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: Dark Flame Discussion Thread II
Replies: 2212
Views: 45947

I'm sorry, but it sounded like that
by Teroril
Mon Mar 11, 2002 2:54 pm
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: DF Characters...
Replies: 77
Views: 4591

Teroril of Silvermoon

Race: Half celestial human
Class: Fighter/mage/(cleric)
Gender: male
aperence: human form: 1,85 meters tall blue hair, green eyes and pale skin. He wears an erthgreen outfit with a dark red cloak.

Celestial/Angel-like form: 2 meters tall blue hair, white eyes only, silver ...
by Teroril
Mon Mar 11, 2002 2:38 pm
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: Dark Flame Discussion Thread II
Replies: 2212
Views: 45947

If you read some of my other posts in this thread, you will find out that this little episode isn't a plot, but a way to introduce my character.

BTW I think that when D'aroth is held captive, we would find out why he attacked the keep, but that can surely wait (it would take a LOT of time to ...
by Teroril
Mon Mar 11, 2002 2:21 pm
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: Dark Flame Discussion Thread II
Replies: 2212
Views: 45947


I think it would be easier that we all posted our Character in a seperate thread!!!

In that way it would be easier for newcommers to join the story
by Teroril
Mon Mar 11, 2002 2:14 pm
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: Dark Flame Discussion Thread II
Replies: 2212
Views: 45947


Actually I have been writing in other stories such as this in a couple of years now, and I've experienced that it is VERY hard to get a new character written into a story, because there is always happening something impotant.

I know that my char. in this story was written in quite badly, but ...
by Teroril
Mon Mar 11, 2002 2:07 pm
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: Dark Flame Discussion Thread II
Replies: 2212
Views: 45947


If you read my post above, i think we both agree
by Teroril
Mon Mar 11, 2002 2:03 pm
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: Dark Flame Discussion Thread II
Replies: 2212
Views: 45947

To make my intoduction go faster:
I have taken D'aroth to the etheral plane, where he will be questioned, if he has something to do with the shadow master, but D'aroth denies it all, so he will be held untill further notice.

In this short plot my char. will introduce himself as Teroril of ...
by Teroril
Mon Mar 11, 2002 1:55 pm
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: Dark Flame Discussion Thread II
Replies: 2212
Views: 45947

Originally posted by Nippy

It would have been nice if you posted first that you were going to come into the thread.
I did, but I did write my character into the story quite fast :(
by Teroril
Mon Mar 11, 2002 1:50 pm
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: Dark Flame Discussion Thread II
Replies: 2212
Views: 45947

I've only written this to intoduce my char. and right now it has nothing to do with the plot (D'aroth could have something to do with the SM, or not) right now it's up to us!!! (NOT me)
by Teroril
Mon Mar 11, 2002 1:14 pm
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: Dark Flame Discussion Thread II
Replies: 2212
Views: 45947

Everyone feel free to write any dialogue from the greater being, and D'aroth which doesn't affect me, or my personallity!!

I'm not the only one who has to decide the plot!!!
by Teroril
Mon Mar 11, 2002 1:09 pm
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: The Order of the Dark Flame: Book 5. (story, no spam)
Replies: 1184
Views: 46273

When Nippy stepped through the portal he appered in a place where all the surroundings was white.

"Before you stands the greater being who will tell us what evil intetions D'aroth has" Teroril said.

A being with glittering blue skin, totally blue eyes, and blue hair stood before them.

"Why have ...
by Teroril
Mon Mar 11, 2002 12:34 pm
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: Dark Flame Discussion Thread II
Replies: 2212
Views: 45947

This plotline is only a way to introduce my character

BTW: it is an etheral plane NOT Tyr's plane, and for now you all would be welcome where the portal takes you (in this quest we all must cooperate with oneanother)
by Teroril
Mon Mar 11, 2002 11:40 am
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: Dark Flame Discussion Thread II
Replies: 2212
Views: 45947

To all you people who doesn't get my char:

Half celestial human chosen by Tyr to uphold justice.

My intention with the Demon which is D'aroth (I think, because Obsidian called him that) is that I have taken him for questioning by the higher power, because that D'aroth's actions were unjust, and ...
by Teroril
Mon Mar 11, 2002 12:45 am
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: Dark Flame Discussion Thread II
Replies: 2212
Views: 45947

I've posted some story which could change some of the plot for a while, and if you want me to I could change it so it wouldn't be such a big change (What I'm about to do won't take long)
by Teroril
Mon Mar 11, 2002 12:41 am
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: The Order of the Dark Flame: Book 5. (story, no spam)
Replies: 1184
Views: 46273

Teroril stood in front of D'aroth, he said something in Celestial, and he transformed into an angel-like creature. He still had the blue hair, but he now had only white eyes, and silver-glowing skin.

"I'm taking you with me", he looked over at the others "Come with me, we can solve this easier if ...
by Teroril
Fri Mar 08, 2002 2:05 am
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: Dark Flame Discussion Thread II
Replies: 2212
Views: 45947

I have a reason to enter like that (trust me), but I will tell you as the story advances
by Teroril
Fri Mar 08, 2002 1:09 am
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: The Order of the Dark Flame: Book 5. (story, no spam)
Replies: 1184
Views: 46273

Sudently a voice was heard where the demon was fought "Justice shall prevail" they heard, and a person with blue hair, green eyes, pale skin and a blue and white outfit came out of the shadows "I am Teroril of silvermoon, and I will be your doom" he shouted to the demon.

Teroril made a circulair ...
by Teroril
Thu Mar 07, 2002 2:24 am
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: Dark Flame Discussion Thread II
Replies: 2212
Views: 45947

Can I join???

I want to join the dark flame, an my character is this:

Male human Fighter/Sorc

Name: Teroril of Silvermoon

Alignment: Caothic good

More details about my char. will come once I know more of the story

My backround will be revealed in the story

BTW Can you give me a hint to ...
by Teroril
Thu Dec 13, 2001 1:32 am
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: A long expected party
Replies: 96
Views: 2343

Hi I'm currently reading the book (haven't gotten far yet!!), but i'm reading it in english (i am danish) becouse i think that i will have a better experience from both the books and the movies when i'm doing this!!!!
by Teroril
Wed Oct 31, 2001 2:37 am
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: Dark Flame Discussion thread
Replies: 940
Views: 12571

Was this story pre written, or was it improvised?????