There was a house somewhere in the city of Baldurs Gate (not very specific-i know) and there were two girls that had nightmares about some creature...
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It's a classic who-done-it. Either Gervisse or Voltane is the bogeyman, and it is random each time. I recommend to use detect evil, and then kill the...
Does anyone know if there is a patch being in the works to add the kits of BG2 to BG/TOTSC?
I'd love to start over from scratch with BG and take a...
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You do get to choose a kit and redo the proficiencies. So your ranger can stay as a ranger, or be an Archer, Stalker or Beastmaster. The proficiency...
Ever notice you can right click on your NPC's on the game screen. They will roll through their normal sayings a few times over and then bust out with...
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thanks Xyx, I'll be checking that out as soon as I can escape from the office.
I have not found a whole lot of info on this expansion. All I know is that it exists and is part of the BG series. I have not really found any games...
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I agree with every one else it bumps up the exp cap. And adds new features that are great for the game. I think it also follows a great story line....
My game was not patched.
I entered into the flesh golem's cave alone,
left my party outside. Then i took the tome, removed all my NPCs and went out....
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Originally posted by King Leoric:
too bad that you can't get more than 9 (or 10 ?) spells in any level due to limitations of the infinite engine
There is an isolated house on the NE quadrant of beregost. It is quite the palatial estate with blush wine and lots of snobs. Anyway, the house is...
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If you look at the walkthrough on this site it will tell you the significance. It says that there is pretty good loot on the higher levels with three...
Hallo mijn naam is Tom en ik ben op zoek naar Tales of the swordcoast.Hij is namelijk niet meer solo te koop in de winkel.Dan heb ik eindelijk de...
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He's asking is some dutchperson has a copy op TotSC cause in holland it's only available in one packadge with Baldur's Gate, and he already has that...
In Durlags tower I'm stuck in the room where there are four wardens which ask you riddles. I've made the mallet, hit the gong, started up the engine...
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Originally posted by Detrius:
No, I'm only on the net at work not at home.
That might be the solution that you are looking for, however the...
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