This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
Ok, i beat the game, the main quest, blood moon, mournhold.. all of it, done what i can in the guilds, cant advance cuz i accidently killed the wrong...
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I think one of the Puzzle Canals lets you into that area. Number 3 IIRC- Just find the one with a door to a different area (rather than going back...
I'm obviously new to the game and it may sound stupid but I've checked both canalworks, and talked to almost every person in the town and can't find...
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Isnt she in the foriegn quarter?
Anyway you need to be in the underworks not the canalworks (the underworks are accessed via a trapdoor in the...
Ok, I have heard about the Creeper and the Mudcrab Merchant... but neither have wallets big enough to pay off for the items I have to sell. So to get...
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as a possible alternative, you can either google a mod that gives merchants more cash, or sell some smaller 5k items to creeper, then sell...
I can't find the Morang Tong (I think spelled wrong) headquaters. I''ve searched and I always hear Arena Canton, Area Canton. Please someone give me...
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This has been repeatedly discussed before. Use the search function, or check out the site walkthrough. We don't need another thread on this.
Whats the biggest house you can live in, in the game (game of the year edition)? Theres this big ice castle on the ice island that I thinks part of...
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Thanks those houses seem interesting :D especially the ebonheart one after I became strong enough to kill anything in the game in one hit I too went...
Okay i have a wierd question............i just stated the gaem and iam a level 8 imperial warrior agility skill should be like 40 because i...
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If your diseased you can use a temple to cure yourself as well..... ;)
i sold the spirit of indrel to this guy and he equipped it and has equipped some great armor i sold him. he changes his clothes with the best i sell...
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True, but depending on the quality, those merchants may still equip gear that you sell them.
Then I would advice when selling your equipment to...
in Tel Ahrun u can buy slaves and im a member of Tellivani. i have built my stronghold. my question is can u make slaves walk on water or fly to get...
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Spam removed. If you can't answer the question at the start of this thread, don't put in another, please. Start a new thread.
I may be stuck at my level in the Fighter's Guild. Percius tells me that he won't have anymore Orders for me until I reach Guardian level. Fire-Eyes...
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yea, thats what happened to me! i did some of the orcs quests in vivec, and after i was guardian , percius made me guildmaster. then the orc went all...
you're a convict, save the world, kill stuff, you know the story, but who is best to use to do that story?...
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Go check using the Advanced Search function. ;) This has been answered repeatedly in the past, and there are several hundred replies to choose from....
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