This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
OK. I freed Dahleena, or whatever her name is. And I took the Secret Ledger. My journal updates say that mine production should be halted. Alas, when...
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After returning the Record Book to Garisa Llethri you will be asked to shut down the mines. This can be done by freeing the leader of the slaves as...
can someone please tell me what the best way to get a lot of gold is? im looking for about 150 000 peices of gold, so if anyone knows a good way tell...
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If you don't want to use our Search, you might at least check the first page before posting something like this. We have a lengthy thread about it...
I was thinking about restarting a game as a breton. I started an imperial but i started using magic. So i was thinking that breton is a good creature...
Game played fine all the way to killing Dandras Vules. When he goes into his final speech the frame misbehaves. His words just keep repeating in the...
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I had this problem. You've got Bloodmoon installed and don't have the latest patch. I can't remember if this happens if you install Tribunal after...
i have bought the land deed from the person in vivec hlaalu for the odai plateu the only problem is that i cant find my house where is it or how do i...
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^are you sure you didn't miss something? :rolleyes:
So anyone exploring the game for an amount of time will inevitably find heaps of sweet treasure that you can't just ignore, but at the same time it's...
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Indeed you will get an overflowing loot bag..... im pretty sure anyway. I managed to get one on the roof of hlallu manor, and thats still outside????...
well my title suggests it all... i want to become a vampire but i don no how to lower my resistance to disease! i don wanna create a new character...
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Dark Elv Nyte, if you want to ask a question different from the one that heads this thread, start another thread. That's what threads are there for....
This was prompted by the thread for making huge sums of drakes easily, quickly, in Morrowind. It has to be admitted, the game is ridiculously biased...
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Making enchanted items for fun and buying every expensive item they have out there.
i killed the gy in the sewers and he said something like i have fai... or somethin now wot is that the end of the brother hood or is ther more i hav...
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go talk to that lady in the temple reception room about the dark brotherhood
I know I said I am wearing the Cuirass of Saviours hide (in !~What do you bear on your shoulders?~! thread), but I decided not to because I think it...
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That's the nice thing about the Knights of Tamriel series that Jeremy is doing as a mod. They're heavy, with an armor rating of roughly 140, and they...
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