

Magic Talents: Phex Miracles
Note on Miracles: Miracles are a seperate class from normal spells. Metal armor does not prohibit the use of miracles. Miracles can not be learned, all miracles are available to the deont of Phex. They also can not be upgraded (despite having an upgrade category), instead improving according to the deont's level. Only roguelike characters can become deonts of Phex.
Miracles do not use ASP. Instead they use up a karma point between rank 1 and 4. The miracle only uses the specific karma point assigned to it, you can not use a higher karma point to cast a lower-level spell. Karma points regenerate over time, the lower the faster it regenerates. Phex-pleasing actions (like stealing) speed up the regeneration.

The Better Offer
Spell Type: General Cast Time: 5 Target: Opponent
Category: Miracle Range: 11m Upgrade Category: A

Associated Attributes: Courage, Courage, Charisma

Effect: An opponent fights for the Deont for (20 + 2x level - (intuition opponent + cleverness opponent)/2) seconds.

Spell Cost: Level 4 (Orange)

Modifier: None

Description: The Deont makes his or her opponent an offer they cannot refuse. Does not work on animals.

Divine Intervention
Spell Type: General Cast Time: 2 Target: Caster
Category: Miracle Range: N/A Upgrade Category: A

Associated Attributes: Courage, Courage, Charisma

Effect: For (6 + level) tests the Deont will repeat every Phex-pleasing, non-combat relevant, unconcealed and failed test once.

Spell Cost: Level 3 (Red)

Modifier: None

Description: Phex himself blesses the Deont after he or she has prayed to Phex for a short time.

Phex's Favor
Spell Type: General Cast Time: 4 Target: Caster
Category: Miracle Range: N/A Upgrade Category: A

Associated Attributes: Dexterity/Intuition/Agility

Effect: For 10 minutes, the deont's attributes are increased by:
Level 1: Intuition + 1
Level 3: Intuition + 2
Level 5: Intuition + 2, Dexterity + 2
Level 7: Intuition + 3, Dexterity + 3
Level 8: Intuition + 3, Dexterity +3, Agility + 3
Level 12: Intuition + 4, Dexterity + 4, Agility + 4
Level 15: Intuition + 5, Dexterity + 5, Agility + 5
Level 18: Intuition + 6, Dexterity + 6, Agility + 6

Spell Cost: Level 3 (Red)

Modifier: None

Description: The deont receives an attribute bonus for a specific period.

Spell Type: General Cast Time: 4 Target: Area
Category: Miracle Range: 10m Upgrade Category: A

Associated Attributes: Dexterity, Intuition, Agility

Effect: The Deont's allies receive DV +3, enemies receive AT -3.

Spell Cost: Level 2 (Green)

Modifier: None

Description: The Deont throws stardust into the air. The dust has different effects on friends and foes.

Spell Type: General Cast Time: 2 Target: Opponent
Category: Miracle Range: 17m Upgrade Category: A

Associated Attributes: Courage, Intuition, Constitution

Effect: The Deont throws 1 + (level-1)/3 stars onto his or her opponent. Each star causes 1D6 DP.

Spell Cost: Level 1 (Blue)

Modifier: None

Description: The Deont scatters blazing stars onto his or her opponent.

Divine Intervention
Spell Type: General Cast Time: 2 Target: Caster
Category: Miracle Range: N/A Upgrade Category: A

Associated Attributes: Courage, Courage, Charisma

Effect: For (6 + level) tests the Deont will repeat every Phex-pleasing, non-combat relevant, unconcealed and failed test once.

Spell Cost: Level 3 (Red)

Modifier: None

Description: Phex himself blesses the Deont after he or she has prayed to Phex for a short time.