

Dungeon Siege II Books: Pages 1-2
Book 1: Tome of Smithing
Location: In the Great Hall of Eirulan (Eirulan, #11)

Book 2: The Hak'u
Location: Behind the bar in the Eirulan Inn (Eirulan, #5)

Book 3: The Mothers of Eirulan
Location: In the Great Hall of Eirulan (Eirulan, #11)

Book 4: Tattered Diary
Location: In the Hak'u Caves, next to the clockwork bridge (The Hak'u Caves, #1)

Book 5: Razka's Riddle
Location: In an underground chamber of Razka's Ruins in the Southern Greilyn Jungle (S/E Greilyn Jungle, #8)

Book 6: The Skath (LOA 6)
Location: In Vix's hut in the Eastern Greilyn Jungle (S/E Greilyn Jungle, #15)

Book 7: The Deeds of Xeria (LOA 7)
Location: On a table in the Windstone Fortress (Windstone Fortress, #5)

Book 8: The Death of Xeria (LOA 8)
Location: On a bench in the Temple of Xeria (The Temple of Xeria, #4)

Book 9: Living and Working with Half Giants
Location: Lying on thee ground in Windstone Fortress (Windstone Fortress, #5)

Book 10: The War of Legions (LOA 9)
Location: On a ledge in the Temple of Xeria (The Temple of Xeria, #4)