

Location: Eastern Salted Coast

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  • Fanged Salamanders
  • Fungal Slimes
  • Noximanders (Poisonous)
  • Thugs

Notable Loot


1 - Bandit Camp

You'll encounter a handful of bandits here. They'll be guarding a few random containers, plus a locked chest containing an Antique Sextant and 150 gp. You'll need the sextant for Garrett's side quest in Aridell (South Parish).

2 - Distillery

You'll encounter a handful of bandits here. If you bash open all of the barrels inside, then you'll find several Tubers, two Bottles of Wine, one Bottle of Ale, and two Bottles of Whiskey.

3 - Paul's House

Inside the house you'll meet Paul, who is suffering from Fleshrot. Paul will offer you a side quest after you've completed Father Michael's side quest.

$ - Random Treasure Chest

World Exits