This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
Hi all
my first tread wow.............. Okay i need help finding a coda plant for the person in peliglaid or whatever its called she wants it and i...
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There's plenty of the plant around Seyda Neen - one even just at the lighthouse. Not all have the item, it's random, but you should be very unluckly...
If anyone could give me a list of index locations I would be extremely grateful.
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Yes, I thought so. :) Do an advanced search in this forum on Propylon, and you'll find a complete listing, not only of each Propylon location, but of...
how do i get to mourn hold in the original version of morrowind?is there any way i mean i have a map but it dont apears there i also heard that a...
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Disturbing dreams are what you get from the morrowind main quest and have nothing to do with asassians, though you do get attacked by ash zombies as...
My dark elf is at lvl 70 or 71.
all of my major and minor skills are at 100 except for one which is at 50 or51 .
is there anyway i can make to level...
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Fortify your stat( with item or spell ).....lets say Personality... find Master trainer for Ilusion ( or other Pers. skill ), and you can train eaven...
does anyone know if there is anything of interest in the waters around the island i found some ruins just east of balmore
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Would there happen to be a broken deadric god statue down there?
If there is you should find the head and talk to it, it gives you a quest and if you...
I've kinda... wondered since a couple of seconds ago, what armor and weapons do you use? potions? spells? rings? name what you use and what it does....
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Glass Armour-All of it buth the greaves, because I've not foudn them yet. For greaves, I currently use Dark Brotherhood greaves.
I realize that Morrowind is supposed to get harder as you level up, BUT why are the grazelands being taken over by Golden Saints instead of nice kf's...
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Some enemies are tied to an area. Others, mostly random encounters, are tied to your PC's level.
All right just a few questions about mournhold.
(1) Is there any way to go through the Mournhold gates?
(2) Were can I find Soth Sil?
(3) What kinds...
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Yeah I guess he would have lots of points in luck, seeing as I can't even hit him!
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