This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
I have a large folder of quest mods, and a good chunk I have not tried since I don't want to install too many simultaneously and end up with...
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Don't set the optimization to higher than 15 fps. I've had some troubles with FPS optimizer in which it reduced my view distance to zero even indoors...
i have one stronghold with house redoran, i finish some ofn the mission for house hlaalu and i am granmaster , but when...
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Yep, but it's not a unique one.
If you choose Redoran or Telvanni you can also become grandmaster in Hlaalu when you complete the main quest and talk...
I have noticed while fully armored to the gills, that regardless of the fact I have all of my armor slots filled, my Unarmored skill will go up as I...
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I've had the same problem .
I was fully (really all parts) armored with ebony closed helm, and shield enchants on my clothing (also all pieces other...
two questions can somebody help
1 i need to finish the temple first quest of the shrine pilgrimage but when i arrive in ghostgate fence and press the...
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2. Once you accept the advancement to guildmaster, Gentleman Jim Stacey retires to the mainland.
I just loaded Morrowind into my new computer, and my mesh files (the ones that come with the game), have mysteriously vanished, they were there, and...
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that's odd, because originally they were showing up as being on my computer's hard drive (not the CD, though I'm sure they haven't magically vanished...
Does anybody know how to create new bound items? I'd sure like to be able to summon better armor then Daedric, in fact possible glass or iron. Thanks...
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true, thats the whole purpose of bound armour! kickass stats without the weight issue ;)
hi, im a new user, and there is something weird in Ald'Ruhn. I dont know if its just there because of my dude but my dude is a dark elf, lvl 51 Mage,...
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I play goty on xbox and have searched there extensivly (anarens devil tanto thieves guild quest) but have never played as a vamp :confused:
I am currently using Foryn Gilnith's shack in Seyda Neen as a home and storage facility, but since it's not that big, the containers are full. So my...
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Meh... not sure I would like killing him all that much. For the time being, I'm still residing in a tax-collector-killer's shack, in old swamp hole,...
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